Laura moved to join her fiancée, but when she was by the door, she turned back to me: "The little bitch tried to come visit," she informed me, "I had his name blacklisted downstairs, guards know not to let him anywhere near you."

I frowned for a moment, confused as to who was she talking about. Then it hit me. I nodded, without a word, and they left. So, Chris was here. He saw me lying in this bed. I wonder what did he think, if he cared at all, if he blamed Sebastian for endangering me or me for being so stupid. This was actually the second time I got in an accident with a guy I was dating – although, technically Cole was one single date –, it wouldn't surprise me if Chris saw a pattern in it, to say that he was right in holding me back from dating, since my taste in men is so horrible.

In this case, I'm not entirely sure he would be wrong. Did I misread Sebastian entirely? Why would someone try to pretty much kill him? That car behind us wasn't stopping, I remember that clearly. Did they push us off the road? Were they the reason for our accident? 

Or did I see wrong and Sebastian's driving was to blame? He was speeding in a tunnel, 120 mph at least, if that's not dangerous, then I don't know what is. But he can't have done it recklessly, I remember his expression, he did it because that person behind us was following us.

When I saw my phone next to the bed, I immediately grabbed it, wanting to make sure Sebastian was okay, but also to understand what actually happened. When I called, however, an automated voice informed me that the number had been disconnected. Did he change number? And why?

"So ... how are we today?" A female voice broke through my trail of thoughts. When I turned to the door, I saw a blonde woman in her 30s, wearing a nurse uniform, smiling gently at me.

"I ... apparently I just woke up?"

She nodded, coming over to me. "Yes, your friends informed us. The doctor will be here soon to check up on you."

"How ... does it look?" I wondered. "I got in a car crash a few years ago as well," I bit my lips, "is ... my back okay?"

"Well, let's see," she put her folders down, and gripped my hands, to make me sit straight, "does it hurt?" She asked. "Hold onto me if you feel pain."

I winced. "It does hurt a bit, but nothing out of the ordinary."

She nodded, making me lean against the pillows again. "Then it should be okay, but the doctor will be able to tell you more."

"Have I really slept for a week?"

"Five days, yes," she nodded. "In accidents like yours it's kind of normal." The nurse grabbed her folders again, and read something on the papers. "Ms. Dawson, are you aware that you're 4 weeks pregnant?"

My eyes widened. "What?"

She nodded. "We usually run blood tests as soon as the patient arrives, especially in your situation." She explained. "To be sure of what we're dealing with. And yours showed levels of HCG that are consistent with a 4 weeks old pregnancy."

I was shocked, to say the least. "That's ... it's not ..." I raked my mind to think of any single time, within four weeks, when Sebastian and I haven't been careful, but we always have been. We've barely been together five weeks as it is. And I didn't sleep with anyone before him.

Seeing me so stunned, the nurse put down her folders, and placed a hand over mine. "There is no need to worry, dear. Doctor will have to confirm, but based on your progression so far, the baby is fine despite the accident."

"No, it's ... it's not that, I ..." I inhaled harshly. How could it happen?

"Listen," she said, inching closer to me, "if you are a single mother, I know a place that can support you through the whole pregnancy and make sure you and the baby are safe." She glanced outside the door for a moment. "Your parents don't need to know yet, if you don't want them to." She offered me a sympathetic smile.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now