Honesty and Commit

151 7 3

Carol's POV

Even though Therese is a bit sullen towards me, I know she can't stand me. Their first day of internship at the clinic is over. She had already prepared her things when Richard and Jack entered the office.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Aird. We are going home. There-."

"No, Richard. Therese and I are going somewhere. It's okay if I borrow her from you, right?" I said to Richard and Jack, and I could see that they were both excited. Do they know my real intention to Therese?

"Sure, Ms. Aird. No problem." - Richard

"Please take care of her, Ms. Aird." - Jack

The two are thrilled while Therese is irritated because she is being teased. "Goodbye, Terry! Be careful, don't make a fool of yourself while you are with Ms. Aird." They are messing with Therese's hair and Therese slaps her hand to the boys. "Goodbye, Ms. Aird. See you at the event next week." The two said goodbye to me and Therese closed the door.

Sorry if they are like that to me. They are naughty when they are with me.

It's okay, Therese. They are your true friends after all.

Therese smiled when she heard what I said but she still didn't look at me. I took my bag and my car keys, and invited Therese out of the office. I left the clinic first to start my car and Therese followed.

"Hop in, Therese." I invited her to ride in my car and she shyly nodded. We got into my car together and I immediately put on my seatbelt on. After I put on my seatbelt, I saw that Therese was having trouble putting on the seatbelt.

"Therese, please let me." I helped Therese with her seatbelt and it was obvious that she was a bit intense because I was close to her. Our faces are almost close together. I looked at her for a moment and she closed her eyes. Is she like that when I'm too close to her? She's cute.

"Here. There we go." I said calmly and I returned to my place. I guess she felt that I was far away from her and she opened her eyes. She deeply exhaled and thanked me. I started my drive. While I was driving, Therese started the conversation.

"So, Ms. Aird. Where exactly do you live?" Therese asked an unusual question.

"I live in New Jersey. Far away from New York but it's nice to live there." I answered but her attention was outside. "I told you to just call me Carol, you don't have to be formal with me." She plainly nodded and her attention remained outside. Silence surrounded us. How long will she sulk with me? We stopped over at a gasoline station. There is also a convenient store here at the stop over.

"Do you want to buy something?" I asked her and she shook her head. She didn't want to get out of the car.

"Okay. I'll just fill up the tank. I'll be back." I got out of the car. After I got out, I noticed a black car parked on the crosswalk but I ignored it. I put gasoline in my car and looked at Therese, I caught her looking at me and she immediately looked away from me. When I filled my car's tank, I paid and immediately got into my car. I continued my drive until we reached my house. House and land that will go to Harge suddenly. I sighed deeply and parked my car. I saw Therese remove her seatbelt and I removed mine as well. I was getting out of the car when Therese held my hand. She looked concerned because of my act earlier.

"Are you alright, Carol?" Therese worriedly asked me. I slightly smile to assure her that I'm okay. We got out of the car together and I guide her into the house.

Welcome to my haven.

When we entered, Therese was amazed by the size of the house. Yes, my house is big but the painful events happened here. I came back to reality when Therese called me.

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