Office hooker

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( Payjay fic! Requested by Yipyee
Kind of suggestive but no NSFW )

* OJ's POV:*

The days working at the hotel are stressful everyone always wants stuff, but papers been a pretty big help, he runs the complaint desks on Wednesdays, at first he was telling me how painful it was the first time he did it but it's gotten easier for him over time.

Im just doing my daily rounds at the hotel, picking up after people and folding towels, the usual when paper walks up to me, "hey wanna go grab a bite to eat before you head to bed?" Paper asks shyly "gosh I'm so sorry paper I'm pretty tired tonight maybe another time?" I reply while looking back at paper I see his face drop a bit but he then perks up "maybe I could sleep with you?" He asks acting like that's normally just to ask randomly, but since I'm tired and pretty loopy I oblige.

We both head up to my room and I flick on the lights, my room is such a mess but I don't think paper minds, I set down my worksheets on the kitchen counter and go to turn on my bedside lamp, paper is already sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for me to lay down. I walk over and turn off the lights shutting the door while I'm at it, then go lay down under my covers as paper does the same.

I lay there staring at the ceiling but then I feel something wrap around my arm, it was paper, he's already fallen asleep that probably means I should too, I close my eyes and drift off to dream.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, that sound haunts my dreams now. Surprisingly the alarm didn't wake up paper.. wait paper? WHY IS PAPER IN MY BED- oh wait.. last night I agreed to let him sleep in my bed, gosh why did I do that. Why did he ask that anyways? Does he like me? Many questions run through my head making my cheeks hotter and hotter when I hear a small yawn come from beside me. "Hng.. what time is it?" I hear a raspy yet soft voice say next to me, I look over at the clock "well my alarm usually goes off at 4am so it's probably around 4:07" I reply "why the hell do you get up so early!"paper says pulling me down onto the bed, this makes my heart skip a beat "go back to sleep you got Time.."

A few hours go by and I start to hear shouting. I flutter my eyes open and realise that it's now 8:30 OH GOD EVERYONES GONNA KILL EACH OTHER IF I DONT GET UP NOW. I quickly throw aside the blankets and rush out the door not caring how sloppy I look. I rush to the kitchen just in time to stop Yin-Yang throwing a plant pot at paintbrush "geez guys what's going on!" I yell standing in between paintbrush and Yin-Yang "there you are Oj why are you up so late today? And where's paper" I hear paintbrush say from behind me, paper then walks up to paintbrush sleepily and says "I'm here.." "will you guys just tell me what happened!" I say staring at Yin-Yang implying they should go first...

*sigh* god that argument took forever to figure out, and now I've got to do even more work! I never finished that safety inspection report I need to hand in by Friday, it's Thursday and the time right now is 11:45AM, I quickly rush to
My office and sit down at the desk, and start writing away when I hear my door open then close behind itself, paper appeared through the door looking a bit worried.. but that worried look soon turned to something else.

"Ah paper! What can I do for ya?" I asked in the most cheerful tone I could conjure  up. "Oj, you know your work too much. It worry's me how much lack of sleep you have." Paper replied walking over to my desk then brushing aside some work before sitting on top of it. Pulled me closer by the striped tie I was wearing, this causing a MAIJOR blush on my face. "I- uh-..Wha.. P-paper?" I barely managed to speak, I had no idea paper was this intimate, he always seems so shy and frail.. wait no I shouldn't be thinking this h-he's my friend! he?..

Paper inches closer to my face. I-is he going to kiss me!? Ahh I don't know if I'm ready for this-. "Hm" paper lets go of me and backs away "h-hey!" I blurt out "what did you want that kiss?" I hear him chuckle. Damn he's smooth. "I- I!" I'm pretty much a melting mess at this point. Paper quickly grabs me again and actually kisses me this time and I... liked it?. God I had no idea how gay I was-

The kiss only lasted for a millisecond before paper pulled away, hopped off my desk and made his way to the exit, before leaving he said one final sentence, "make sure you sleep. Ok?" He then closed the door behind him... What. Just. Happened.. OH GOD MY REPORT-

*Papers POV:*

As soon as I closed that door i immediately fell too my knees covering my blushing face with my hands. OMG OMG OMG OMG I CANT BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT!!!!

(A/N: sorry this took so long to write! It would've come out sooner I've I hadn't gotten super distracted- anyways this was strange to me cuz I don't think paper is that type but eh new things ig.  hope you liked it <3 )

Just some random osc oneshots Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora