He didn't want to just tell the other this though. He didn't want the other to worry, or worse pity him.

Alright, I'll eat.

That was a total lie. Peter was just saying that to get the other off his back.

[Dr. Wizard]
Send me a picture of what you are eating as proof. I don't doubt you're just lying to me.

Well damn. There goes that plan. Peter grumbled and went to his mainly empty pantry, did he have any food? He had some cereal but one look at the contents proved it was not edible in any way. So Peter checked the fridge. He had some bottled water...That was it? When had he gone shopping last?

Oh. It had been a good few weeks.
When had Peter last eaten? He ate a sandwich for lunch yesterday. That was it, and with his crazy metabolism, one meal missed was like a day with little to no food.
One time, Peter didn't eat for almost two days and he almost passed out. That hadn't been very fun.

Peter's phone dinged again.

[Dr. Wizard]
How long does it take you to find food?

Shit, Peter had forgotten about him. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't just lie, could he?
No. While Peter knew the wizard was probably pitying him, he wanted to pretend he cared.

This is going to sound bad but I don't have any food.

The long pause that came before the next text Peter nervous.

[Dr. Wizard]
And is it fair to assume you don't have enough money to get some food?


[Dr. Wizard]
Then whatever job you have is not paying enough. You know the Stark internship is paid right?

The job Peter had was paying enough for the average seventeen-year-old with a loving family to afford, not the seventeen-year-old vigilante that had to pay for everything himself, and seriously? This guy knew way too much. Peter certainly did not remember telling him about the Stark Internship!

No, I had no idea it was paid, but my job pays enough for me to live off of.

[Dr. Wizard]
Do you have any shifts today?

No, I worked most of the shifts for the past few weeks so my boss made me take some time off.

[Dr. Wizard]

Do you have anything planned today?


No, I was just going to finish my application.

[Dr. Wizard.]

On an empty stomach? Stop by the sanctuary and we'll catch lunch.

Peter must have reread that text seven times by now, and he still felt a little confused. Did the man really want to meet him for lunch or did he still just pity him, Peter wasn't sure.

[Dr. Wizard]
Before you even think about saying no, it wasn't a request. You're going.

Peter couldn't formulate a proper response to that.

Okay, give me like an hour to get there.

[Dr. Wizard]
How long will it take to get ready?

Well, I wanted to get the application done. Technically I'm ready.

[Dr. Wizard]
Where do you live?

Peter frowned down at his phone. Why did he need to know?

[Dr. Wizard]
Never mind, Grab the application and be ready to go in fifteen minutes and I'll be there.

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