Chapter 3

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I stand in the nest of the mizenmast, watching the ship draw closer. The distress and white flag flapped gently in the breeze over my head. Even if we were to rig up the sail that's been patched, we wouldn't be able to outrun Prince Rayan's flagship. They've gotten close enough that I can see their flags without a spyglass. If they've noticed the flags we've put up, they haven't put up a white flag in response.

"Captain Mandavi," A voice calls. I look to find an ensign slipping under the rail of the nest. "Admiral Coswik wants to see you in his cabin."

I nod. "Thank you."

I slip under the rail, leaving the two ensigns alone. On the deck, I take one last glance back at the approaching ship before turning to head for Admiral Coswik's cabin. I knock before letting myself in. Liam and Raven, my second, are also with Admiral Coswik by the table. Admiral Coswik nods to me as I stop at the table.

"As you all know, we won't stand a chance if it comes to a fight," Admiral Coswik says, immediately down to business.

"If I may, Admiral," Raven says calmly, "I would like to make a suggestion."

Admiral Coswik waves a hand, "Go ahead, Commander Gunnar."

"If they keep their baring, they'll be pulling up to our port side. I think it would be wise to move all operational cannons to the port side," she offers. "It won't make much of a difference if it comes to a fight, but I still think we should be prepared for anything."

Admiral Coswik thinks for a second before nodding. "Very well. See to those preparations after we're done here." Raven nods. "Our priority needs to be on keeping this ship afloat and as many of our men alive as possible. That being said, you all know, just as well as everyone on this ship, if it does come to a fight, our first priority-"

"Is doing what we can to survive," I cut him off thinly.

Liam and Raven say nothing, not wanting to get involved in whatever fight is about to happen.

"Captain Mandavi," Admiral Coswik begins calmly, "As much as everyone on this ship admires your desire not to use your other title for gain or recognition, it does not change the fact that you have it. Unfortunately, that means we are duty-bound to do what we can to ensure you do not go down with your ship."

I can feel my hands tightening in frustration. How could he call me captain yet treat me as princess? "Admiral Coswik, we have lost enough of our men." How many had we lost because they had chosen to prioritize my safety and protection during the fight? "I will not ask them to once again risk everything for my sake."

"You're not asking," Liam suddenly speaks up. I look over in surprise. He watches me, eyes as hard as the day we had first met, yet this time, there is no hint of anger or annoyance. "It's been an honor and a privilege to serve under you, your highness," he says bowing his head.

"As much of a sap as Liam is," Raven drawls, pulling my attention to her. "He's right. And I intended to serve under you on your own ship, Captain. So, do please try to stay out of trouble if it comes to a fight." She gives me a pointed look. When we had been placed in the same squadron in basic, she had thought it would be an easy ride. Instead, I had brought her nothing but trouble. I doubt I could count all the fights she had pulled me out of.

I can't help the smile that comes as I nod. "I'll do my best, Commander."

She returns my smile, nodding back.

"Now that we're all on the same page," Admiral Coswik wastes no time drawing our attention back to the meeting. "They haven't put up a white flag, so I won't be requiring everyone to lay down their weapons, but I don't want anyone to have a pistol. It's too easy for something to go wrong if someone gets a twitchy trigger finger. Cutlasses only. Captain Mandavi, Commander Brinks you're both to see to it that the order is conveyed while Commander Gunnar sees to the cannons. I'm going to have them run up our flag, see if that makes a difference, but if it doesn't, I want everyone ready. Captain Mandavi, you are to keep busy. I want business to continue as normal. That means everyone and everything will still be going through you as well, but I want you to remain out of sight as much as possible. We haven't flown the royal pennant, and I don't intend to. They may recognize the name of the ship, but with luck, they won't be assuming you're on board. If that's their assumption I want it kept that way. Understood?"

"Yes, Admiral," We all respond.

"Good. Now, go. If they hold course, they'll be upon us within an hour. I want everything done and running as normally and smoothly as possible before they get here."

We all nod, turning as one to leave. I pause outside Admiral Coswik's cabin, watching Prince Rayan's ship approach for a moment.

"Something wrong?" Raven asks.

Blinking, I turn to find her watching me. I shake my head. "No. Just thinking."

She reaches out, resting a hand on my shoulder. "No one on this ship is going to let anything happen to you."

I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the impossibility of this situation. As the captain, everyone on this ship was my responsibility. Yet as the princess, I was a responsibility to everyone on this ship. All that work to earn their loyalty and respect just for them to throw their lives before mine; exactly what I didn't want.

What would my brothers do in this kind of situation?

Well, for starters, they'd never be in this kind of situation. In the field, Declan could make sure he was laying his life on the line for his men as much as they were for him, though granted, as the first heir, he never went to the front lines. Just minor skirmishes, well within our territory. Dima and Liath. . . the shadows didn't need anyone looking after them. They were more than capable of handling themselves. Not to mention they didn't go into situations they couldn't reasonably foresee themselves getting out of.

I square my shoulders. "It won't come to that." Raven arches an eyebrow, surprised and suspicious of my optimism. "I'm supposed to stay out of sight remember?" I tell her as I head for the stairs leading below deck. "For once I intend to do as I'm told."

"Really?" she asks, trailing after me.

"I'm setting you in charge of everything below decks and Liam above. Unless I'm absolutely needed, what better way to be out of sight than hiding in plain sight."

"That's your plan? Act like just another sailor?" I can hear the doubt in her voice. "And why do I have the feeling this plan doesn't involve you staying below deck?"

"Of course it does, once we have a sail in the air again."

"And there it is. I'll be sure to tell the deck overseer to keep an eye on you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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