Mahogany smiled at his panache and took the book. "Check Your Perception: Seventeen Spells to Add to Your Detection Collection?" She glanced at Cam. "Seventeen is an odd number."

"Both literally and figuratively," Cam said, tapping the side of his nose. "This should have a chapter on tears and other bodily fluids." Cam cleared his throat, looking a little uncomfortable. "What's the spell for, may I ask."

"Neema," Mahogany said. "Something for a customer." She shrugged.

"It's too bad about Matt," Cam said, sorrow touching his eyes. "Ace worked closely with him."

Mahogany and Evelina exchange a pregnant look. "They did? I knew they were good friends, but I didn't know they worked together," Mahogany said.

Cam nodded. "Ace was the treasure of the Clock Tower Committee."

"That's interesting," Evelina said. "I'd heard Ace found Matt's body, but I never considered why he was at the clock tower."

Cam gave a slow nod. "I'm not sure he'll ever be the same. It was all very shocking."

Mahogany held up the book. "We should buy this. Neema's waiting."

"Right," Cam said, firing finger guns at Mahogany. "A customer needs information." He winked and led them back to the register.

"Here you go." Cam handed Mahogany her change when the bell over the door jangled, announcing the entrance of the fair-haired Lilac Delldini. She swished into the bookshop, and her lacy blue blouse flounced as she walked. Lilac removed her cat-eyed rhinestone sunglasses with a wrist flick and gazed at Cam.

"Oh, good, you're here. I need your help finding something." Lilac smoothed her styled bob with a gloved hand.

"Sure thing, Ms. Delldini," Cam said, dropping Mahogany's change into her waiting palm. A few of the coins missed their mark, bouncing onto the counter.

Mahogany scrambled to stop the hopping coins and pocket the rest of her change as Cam scuttled around the counter and led Lilac into the stacks.

"Well, that was weird and informational," Evelina said once they were outside and heading back to the Haughty Hemlock.

Mahogany didn't respond. Her thoughts were on Ace Hatcher and his involvement with the Clock Tower Committee. "If anyone knows about Matt's life at the clock tower, it's Ace. We need to talk to him."

A broad smile lifted Evelina's bow-shaped mouth. She stopped and did a silent happy dance before skipping after Mahogany. "Where should we look?"

"Right there," Mahogany said, nodding across the street.

Across the street, Ace Hitcher stood outside Clover Toes. He gazed through the window at Brian O'Malley's display while sipping an iced beverage from Hot Brews.

"Wow, that's lucky," Evelina said as Mahogany started across the street.

"Hey, Ace," she said, waving her arm. Ace looked over and waved back, his eyebrows pulling together.

"Hi," he said, trepidation in his voice.

Mahogany stepped onto the curb, and her loose boot heel caught the lip and gave up the ghost. Slipping its nails, it clattered into the gutter. Mahogany tripped and righted herself on a street sign at the intersection.

"Are you all right?" Ace moved forward to help her.

She peered over her shoulder, and Evelina handed her the severed boot heel. "I'm fine. I've needed to get this fixed for a while now."

"Well, you're in luck." Ace pointed to the Clovered Toes with its shamrock green façade.

"That can wait," Mahogany said. "We wanted to pay our condolences. We heard that you found Matt in the clock tower?"

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