A fiancée would explain Tony's strange behavior; his distance, the awkward hug at the end of their date, the moodiness. But that begged the question, why hadn't he ever mentioned this mystery fiancée before?

Evelina tilted her head to the side, assessing Mahogany like a scientist examining pond water under a microscope.

Mahogany gave her loose boot heel a tiny stamp and strode to the doorway. Evelina pressed herself against the frame, allowing Mahogany passage. When she entered the apothecary, Neema's face was stricken. Mahogany eyed Tony, who stood shrouded in a dark veil of misery.

Blair released Neema's hand and turned to Mahogany. "You must be the famous Misty. I've heard so much about you." Blair's dark eyes drifted over Mahogany's face, lingering on the scarf containing her unruly curls.

Mahogany blinked at the woman who took up too much space in Haughty Hemlock's open interior. This Blair woman was none other than the raven-haired traveler from yesterday, but instead of toting a large suitcase behind her, she had a miserable Tony in lockstep.

Blair held out a hand to Mahogany and closed the distance between them. With robotic movements, Mahogany obliged, taking Blair's relaxed hand.

"It's Mahogany. Did you find the inn yesterday?" Mahogany asked, her voice distant to her ears but free from tension.

"My apologies." Blair placed her free hand on her chest and batted her eyelashes. "I did, thank you. You should give tours of the village. Your directions were perfect." Blair released Mahogany's hand and turned to Evelina, who stood pressed against the door frame.

"Hi, I'm Blair." Blair held out her hand again.

"I've heard," Evelina said, folding her hands over her chest.

Blair's full smile faltered slightly, but she regained her composure a millisecond later. She turned back to Tony, placed an arm through his, and hugged her cheek to his shoulder. "I've been begging Tony to let me come up and visit for months. I finally had to pop on a train and follow my instincts. I'm so happy to meet you all."

Tony stood next to her as a man condemned. He raised his eyes from the floor, and his gaze found Mahogany. She'd never seen someone look so pathetic. She almost felt sorry for him.

"Um, Blair, would you mind heading to the bookstore? I need to chat with Mahogany." Tony pulled his arm from Blair's grip and took a small step away from her.

Blair glanced from Mahogany to Tony and back again. A slight smirk raised one corner of her mouth.

"See you there, Pickle." Blair smiled around the room and nearly skipped out the door and down the street to the Poisoned Pen, her straight, glossy black hair swishing from side to side as she went.

"Oh, you got some' splain' to do, Pickle." Evelina moved to stand next to Mahogany.

Tony sighed. His golden skin was waxy, and a flop sweat had broken out, coloring the armpits of his shirt.

"I never mentioned Blair because we had broken up," Tony said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Did you tell her that?" Evelina said, pointing a finger in the direction Blair had gone.

"She wouldn't return my calls or texts. Blair is one of the reasons I moved here. I needed to get away and start over." Tony looked straight into Mahogany's eyes.

"So you mean to tell us that your unstable, not taking no for an answer, supposedly ex-fiancée followed you 800 miles to a different state to pursue a relationship you don't want?" Evelina panted with indignation next to Mahogany.

The Girl and the Clock Tower Murder: Pandemonium Cozy Mystery #2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang