"I'll see," he smirks evilly. He turns around and walked back outside. His friend followed after him.

"No no no." I cry, slamming my hands on the door.

This can't be happening. I can't do this again.


He never gave us any blankets or anything and it was uncomfortably cold down here. My body was sprawled against the wall. It felt like we had been in here for days. Liv was fading slowly. We gathered a plan for one of us to stay awake while the other slept. Liv was asleep. The door creaked open, "Liv." I whisper, shaking her arm.

"I'm awake." she groans.

I watch the door, waiting for him to walk in.

"You're awake." he grins.

I ignore him. "Stand up," he order.

I shake my head. He chuckles deeply and grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up to my feet. I wince, as my hand shot up to his trying to release his grip.

"Alyssa." liv cries out.

"It's okay liv." I reply. It's not okay. He's going to hurt us.

"Are you going to ignore me next time?" he asks.

I reluctantly shake my head.

"Because if you do, I might have to hurt her." he says, nodding his head to Liv.

"Please don't." I beg again.

"Alyssa baby, I warned you many times, not to let another boy touch you. Who is Ezra?"

I clamp my mouth shut. He can hurt me all he wants but I'm not allowing him to lay a hand on Ezra.

"Speak." he orders, tightening his grip on my hair.

I open my mouth. "Fuck you." I breathe out.

He grins before using his free hand to punch me across my face. "Alyssa." I heard Liv scream. He let go of my hair and I drop to the ground. I spat out the blood that pooled in my mouth and used the back of my hand to wipe my face.

I shuffle back to Liv and she examines the bruise on my face. "Are you okay?"

I nod. My face was burning, no doubt there would be a bruise by tomorrow. "I have done a lot of thinking." he starts. I redirected my attention to him. He was sat on a chair in the middle of the room.

"As I said before Liv was never part of the plan and like you said you would do anything to save her, right?"

I nod sceptically. He smiles at me. "Crawl to me." he says.

I was going to throw up. "If you don't move in the next three seconds, I'll bring Alexander back in here. He'll love to have a go with her."

Next thing I knew I was crawling towards him. Humiliation surged through me, once I reached his feet. "On your knees." he orders.

I got on my knees hesitantly.

"There we go...now beg." he says. "Beg me to spare her. Sell yourself over to me. You'll be mine to use. Admit it and I'll let her go."

"No Alyssa don't you fucking dare." I hear Liv cry out.

I swallow nervously. If this is what I had to do to save her then I would do it. I inhale a deep breath. "Spare her, please. I'll do anything you want me to do." I beg brokenly. I don't think I could even cry anymore. I felt numb.

This was the only way. I was already broken and I would rather endure all this suffering than watch Olivia go through the same thing I did.

"No Alyssa please no." I hear Liv plead.

Elliot was satisfied. He wrapped his hand around my neck, pulling me up. "Say goodbye." he grins evilly. He lets go of my neck and I took no time to reach Liv and embrace her tightly. "Why did you do that?" she cries, her tears soaking my hair.

"I will never let you go through what I did," I whisper.

"I love you Liv. Remember that okay?" I say, sniffling.

"I love you so much Alyssa. Please don't. I can't go without you."

"Yes you can." I say, wiping her tears away.

"Tell Ezra that I lo-"

I was pulled away from Liv before I could finish my sentence, "No stop." I cry out, thrashing my arms, trying to get him off me. It wasn't Elliot holding me, it was the other guy. When did he come in?

"I'll take her back." Elliot says, grabbing her arm and pulling her to her feet.

"Please don't hurt her," I yell, tears pouring out of my eyes as I watch him drag her out of the room.

I was alone. I may have saved her life but I've sold mine to him. He can use me whenever he pleases and I can't even refuse anymore. That thought alone just made me sob.

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