A Brutal Warning

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"Y/n it's your turn to take us on an adventure today!" The boy beside you seemed very enthusiastic about this trip you were taking him on.

"I think here is far enough, I don't want to be too far away from home."

"Maybe we should just go back for today, and Armin can tell us more about the sea!" The other boy joined in on the conversation. "Everyone follow me, the best guide in all of Shiganshina!"

Both boys then walked off slowly, leaving you and your sister pretty much alone by the river.

Something seemed off about today, but couldn't quite place your finger on it. You had eaten enough food, drank plenty of water, been out in the sun, yet there was a feeling deep down, still pestering you every second. This was quite unusual for you; not being able to figure out what was wrong. Deep down it feels like a sixth sense, although no one else believes that it's any more than a stroke of luck most of the time.

"Y/n, hurry up, you don't have time to keep daydreaming again." The girl behind you started to get closer. She took hold of the collar on the back of your shirt, slowly dragging you away from the river. "You really need to snap out of this Y/n, maybe Doctor Yeager does need to give you a check up."

"..No i think it's ok"

"You don't look well or sound well, I believe it will be best for you"

All the talking was faint, hardly decipherable, and it became hard to breathe like the air was filled with smoke.

This was usually how you found out something bad may come your way if you didn't react to the feeling deep down. Everyone else seemed concerned when this happened for the first time last year, but now it's usually brushed away like nothing is wrong.

"Mikasa I-I-" You started to cough uncontrollably because of how hard it became to breathe in the smoky air.

The signal you awaited was here. Your ears began to ring so loudly that it was unbearable at this point. You let out one scream after the next, showing no signs of calming down.

The girl holding your collar led you down on the floor as soon as she could. Footsteps of many people surrounded you, echoing through your head from every direction.

"Eren, Y/n is in pain! I think her senses are stronger than ever before! Get your father as soon as possible, her ears are starting to bleed!" The black haired girl shouted whilst clenching her own ears. "Armin and I will stay here!"

Your throat grew hoarse and tired to the point where even the smallest sound couldn't be heard from you. The thuds of approaching footsteps gradually stopped reverberating through your mind, until everything was silent. So silent that you could've sworn you were deaf. But you had bigger issues than being deaf. The ringing was such a loud signal from your body, that you couldn't bare to think about the awful upcoming situation you'd been warned about. What could be serious enough to make your ears bleed that badly?

"Mikasa, Armin! I brought dad!"

Eren, Mikasa and Armin were saving you from that foolish sixth sense again. A cold teardrop rolled down your cheek as you closed your eyes and became unconscious. You felt like you didn't deserve such incredible people in your life. Not after what happened a few years ago.

"Is she going to be okay dad?"

"I'm not sure Eren, this is quite concerning compared to other times Y/n has acted this way, but it's best if we get her home to rest for now."

"I'll carry her." The shaky voice knelt beside your unconscious body reached for your hand. She squeezed it and gave it a gentle kiss, before letting go of it and picking you up. "I'm so sorry for allowing you to be in that much pain Y/n."

Your sister carried you down the street, past the market, around the corner and into your home. After placing you in bed, Mikasa took off the scarf Eren gave her all those years ago and gave it to you as a blanket.

the next morning

You woke to the smell of fresh bread, Carla's fresh bread, the only thing you could imagine eating right now. As you opened your eyes, you realised a girl was sat on a chair next to your bed, fast asleep.

"Are you awake?" You whispered so quietly that a pin dropping could be heard above your voice. "Mikasa?"

"So you're still asleep."

You let out a slow sigh before exiting the room with caution. The smell of bread grew stronger and stronger until you reached the kitchen. It seemed so empty, so quiet, even though 3 people were sat in there eating food together.

"Y/n, you're awake? How do you feel? You should really be in bed resting sweetheart." The woman approached you and checked to see if your ears and throat were okay. "Both are bright red, don't speak if you don't feel up to it, i'm sure this'll heel quickly, right Grisha?"

"There's no guarantee that she will be able to speak at all within the next week. It could even be permanent damage to her voice box."

"I'm pretty sure my voice is fine." You muttered under your breathe before sitting down next to Eren and taking a piece of the fresh bread.

"You can talk?!" The man sat across from you stared like he'd just seen some kind of titan walk by.

"Of course I can. I'm not weak like Eren."


"But it kind of is, just admit it. You won't make it into the scouts with those weak arms"

"Y/n...shut up."

"You just can't accept it can you?"

"THE SCOUTS? Get that stupid idea out of your head young man!" Carla stormed over to Eren as if she'd seen a titan walk by like her husband. "You will never join them! Do you understand me?"

"Yeah. Whatever."

"...Well I better be leaving now before it gets too late." The dark haired man stood up and walked towards the front door. "I'll be back before you know it, and Eren, how about I show you what's in the basement when I return."

"I will look forward to you returning dad."

"Make sure to tell Mikasa that I will be back in a few days, and apologise to her for me. For not saying goodbye before she fell asleep." Grisha said before walking off and waving to you all.

"You aren't going to scold your son after finding out that he intends to throw his future away?!"

But the man just kept walking as if he couldn't here a single word his wife said.

The Different Ackerman (AOT X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now