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(Final chapter?)

Every student was getting ready for training. Quirks were only ment to be used at a very limited level due to the ever spreading virus. The school realised they would loose trust from the public if they continued to refuse the usage of quirks so the had to give in. Aizawa and another person called Recovery Girl were on constant watch at all times. Only one pairing could fight at a time, to ensure the saftey of the students.

First was Mina and tape person. The fight looked a bit... Off? Just overall very weak performance from both sides. Probably due to them trying to restrain their quirks but, Minas aim was off and tape boy seemed to havent used his tape in awhile. Well that's what his performance suggested. Tape boy won in the end. He managed to restrain her by wrapping his tape around her. Mina came back with burnt hands but nothing to bad. Bakugo was yelling about something. He was still mad he wasnt allowed to participate as he wasnt fully recovered.

Next was blue boy and Kirishima. Kirishima still had a few scars from his last quirk malfunction but in general he seemed alright. Kirishima wasnt allowed to use his quirk fully so it costed more energy to keep moving his shield from arm to arm or wherever. In the end Kirishima won by default, as blue boy surrendered saying his calfs were burning. And they literally were. Maybe have engines in your calfs isnt always the best idea if your not heat resistant...

Next was Childe and a frog. The frog girl was indeed very surprised about his immediate attack. They had barely got into position before he landed the first hit. Did he forget about the quirk malfunction wave? He seemed to be using full power. Yet he seemed fine? Students started telling him to calm down and warning him about a malfunction but he didnt seem to care. Was he deaf!? 

"My quirk doesnt seem to be working... Blonde girl, tell him to stop. Your friends arent you?" Aizawa asked.

"He will be fine dont worry about him." Lumine said, whilst munching on some fisherman's toast.

"This isnt something as simple as it usually would be. He could suffer a quirk malfunction. Tsuyu is barely keeping up." Aizawa said angrily.

"Ugh. Fine you old man. Why do I always have to do everything?" Lumine said, muttering to herself about the injustice of it all. What was she? A caretaker or something? Might aswell hand her the whole of Teyvat why shes at it.

"Oi! Xiao wants to fight! Zhongli says he will spend a day with the winner!" She yelled.

Xiao and Zhongli death glared her.

"Well sorry frog girl but, I have more important things to do than fight with you." He said chuckling at the tired girl.

A few students ran up to Aizawa, asking why he didnt cancel the guys quirk. He just shuck his head. He didnt know either. He couldnt tell the students that though. They were already in enough danger, he couldnt have them worrying more than they already were.

"We will have one more duel then we will call it a day. Blonde girl and green boy." Aizawa said indicating Lumine and Xiao.

"Xiao." Xiao says, irritated.

"Whatever. You will both fight. Now go. Dont use the full extent of your quirks." Aizawa said, tiredly.

Did his quirk not work on them because they were from another world? In truth, he hadnt talked or asked to much to Alice when she was here but his quirk should be able to work on them. He belonged to this world. They didnt. He should have the upper hand. Nevermind. Not the time to dwell on this matter.

"Hey wait!" Aizawa yelled waking up from his daydream. They continued fighting, ignoring his protests. They seemed to have damaged the field with whatever power they were using. It would be alot of money to repair.

"You three idiots, get them to stop. You people are absolutely insufferable." He said, indicating the three archons.

"Venti, just trap them. I'm to tired to deal with this." Zhongli stated.

"You got it Sir Morax!" Venti cheered, summoning a black hole.

"What he ment was you trap just the two of them. Not the whole class you fool." Ei said.

"Oops. Ehe."

They sighed. Venti stopped the black hole from getting bigger and then it started to get smaller.

"What was that for idiot!?" Bakugo exclaimed.

"Not now Bakugo. Just go back to your dorms." Aizawa stated, done with all this BS. He wished the six of them would just go home.

They all arrived back at the dorms and the six went to the archons dorm. Then they heard a familar noise.

"Oi! Stupid hooligans! Pick up the god damn device!" It was Alice.

"Alice! Can we go now!?" Lumine shouted. She was overjoyed at the chance of leaving.

"Yep! Now go says goodbye to your temporary school life bozos!"

Before another word could be uttered, everything faded to black.

A high pitched ringing sound rang throughout all their ears. Any noise they tried to make, never appeard.


"Wake up sleepy heads!"

"Alice? Were back!"

"Alice...? That wasnt your power-"

"I know Barbatos. But she could not stay."

"Look on the bright side though! Thanks to her you are all back. She also left a gift! No need to worry. Its not the classmate you once knew."

"Its that one girl... She was taken out of class by her parents."

"Its not her anymore. It's one of them now. So no need to worry. It similar to just a mindless windup doll now."

"You are saying she can give us information?"

"Wait Barbatos! You know why she had to leave. You cant meet her again."

"Always so persistent. It was futile that this would happen."

"Tch. I'll follow him."

"Istaroth is dead in the eyes of Celestia. It should stay that way if we dont want things tilting more than they already are."

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