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"Why arent you in school?" The creature said. The three archons were very confused. Zhongli said "Our school was burnt down and now we are here." Venti and Ei looked at him dumbfounded but didnt say anything in fear of messing it up. The creature instructed them to follow him. Along the way Venti whisper yelled to Zhongli "Why didnt you say we were on a school break or something? Hes probably going to take us to a temporary school now. I've never been to one but I heard from a friend that they were the equivalent of hell!!!" Zhongli ignored him. In truth he believed that this would never occur. In all honesty he forgot how young he looked. However they needed a place to stay. He heard from a friend of the director who went to law school that they supply rooms to stay at in schools.

The creature in uniform led them to a building. Inside they were directed to a bench to sit on infront of some lady with a device pressing random buttons. The officer left them there saying he would be back there in a minute. At first it was really boring. They each got handed some water by one of the uniform people. The water was warm. They also had to listen to the lady clicking away at the device. After 2 minute it became very annoying. They also had to deal with the odd yelling of someone who were trying to escape the people in uniforms grasp.

After a total or 5 minutes the creature came back. "We have taken a sample of each of your hair. A co-worker of mine was able to replicate your hair with their quirk in attempt to find out about each of you." The archons looked so confused at the word 'quirk' yet the officer just shrugged it off since it had been a long day and he couldnt be bothered to question further. He continued saying "Well in truth we couldnt find anything about you. No information has been found out about you that we can find on the database. Plus a investigation into each of your quirks showed no results and ended up crashing our systems. Due to safety precautions for both you and civilians we are placing you in UAs class 1-A because you will be surrounded by people who can defend themselves and a teacher who has the ability to cancel your quirks if you choose to use them. I'm sure you know of the school correct? So I dont need to explain any further about the system to you."

Zhongli nodded although he had no clue what he was saying. What he was talking about must be a very well known place if he was sure they had known about it before hand. "You will be arriving tomorrow. If you have contact with your carers/guardians please tell them to get in contact with us." The creature said.

The creature showed them a small building on the corner of the street. Apparently that was their temporary accomodation.  "Thankyou officer" Ei said and the creature walked away. Zhongli and Venti stared at Ei in confusion. "What do you mean officer? Dont they usually carry spears?" Venti said questioningly. Ei responded by saying "They seem to handle people similar to how the Tenryo Comission does. You saw that man screaming for release behind us earlier? It was very similar to how the Tenryo Comission handles criminals. Simple deduction."

Zhongli, no longer wanting to stay on the streets in the early hours of dawn, made the first steps inside interrupting Ventis and Ei conversation. It was a small place. A black box in the corner held up place a cabinet, a small couch, 2 scruffy beds without pillows, an unkept kitchen and a small bathroom. Venti immediately went over to the black box and started pressing buttons on a small detached device next to it. Ei walked over to the kitchen or what she presumed it was by the food that was found in the vicinity of it. It was certaintly upgraded from any kitchen she had ever seen. She walked closer to inspect it until Zhongli dragged her away from it. Apparently during their stay here she wasnt allowed anywhere near the area. Atleast they didnt need to eat.

A small scream was heard from the corner of the room and a few other unheard voices. Turning around they saw Venti with a look of terror in his eyes and now on the black box seemed to be playing a recording of some kind, but instead of just audio it had pictures to accompany it. It was fascinating. Zhongli ,who was clearly interested, took the small device in Ventis hand that had buttons on it and started pressing a few. Diffrent recording kept coming up and it was fascinating. They spent the day watching recordings and watching a thing called documentary's to learn more about this strange world. They didnt want to get caught out as not being from here. The documentary's were fasinating. Apparently here they have a thing called quirks instead of visions. They are basically the same thing but they arent limited to just seven.

During one of the documentary's Venti remembered something terrible, horrifying even.


3 Archons In MHAWhere stories live. Discover now