D.O.K. chapter 1: The Familiar of the Unfamiliar

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  • Dedicated to I would like to dedicate this story to Gothic Kitty 77, since she inspired the v

CHAPTER 1 The familiar of the Unfamiliar

I didn't know where I had seen him before, but he looked so familiar. Then again, that wasn't such a strange experience for me. I had only been changed for a while, and had begun my new life. My life was mostly nightlife now. Only on special days like today I have stored up enough blood and energy to face the sun. Then things like this happened. I would run into somebody I used to know and be totally confused.

But this guy, he looked seriously different from the people that I knew before. Most people that I had known before the change were goody-two shoes. They said the "right" things and dressed the "right way." I call those people prefects, since it just happened to fit. But this guy, he didn't look anything like a prefect. With yellow cat eyes, and dark hair with bits of neon green through it  he looked like a dark knight without the shinning armour. He also had on all black leather clothes, like a biker, but with better taste and fashion sense.

This guy might not be a prefect, but he did look perfect. The only part of him that wasn't wearing leather was his torso. Instead it was a t- shirt that revealed just how much this guy was toned since you could see the outline of his muscles through his shirt. Somehow he seemed to recognize me too. He was on the other side of the street, but after he saw me he started to walk toward me. Then he got to a part of the sidewalk that was particularly blinding with sunlight. It made him slow down and a look of pain flashed across his face. No way! This guy was changed too. He eventually made it over to me, and since he was a foot taller than me, I had to look up to see into his eyes.

His eyes were even more amazing up close. They seemed to be almost hypnotic and I had to force my breathing to come out slow and even.

"Hello Unitika." he said. His voice had the same hypnotic effect that his eyes did.

"How do you know my name?" I said, and was surprised that I had managed to make my voice come out nice and even. He seemed to be just as surprised as I was about my voice sounding so normal.

"That's for me to know." he said. Great. Now he was trying to sound like he was too cool for anyone.

"Look, you don't have to act cool." I told him.

"I am cool." he said flexing his muscles. Great, now I know he had a big ego. I rolled my eyes. The world is filled with so many big egos.

"Whatever. What's your name?" I asked.

He smiled at that. Why is it the good looking guys have such huge egos? "You can call me Big Guns." he said.

This was getting ridiculous. At first he was cool, now he's just annoying. "I'm so out of here." my mind seemed to think. Well, my mind was right cause a split second later I was taking long strides to get away from the guy. I looked back. He looked stunned for a minute, but then he looked worried. Then he started to run after me. Great, I thought sarcastically.

"Unitika, wait please. I'm sorry." He said. Well, he did say the magic word. I stopped abruptly and turned around. I must have had all my thoughts visible my face since he started talking again before I had said another word.

"I'm sorry that I acted like a bonehead. I won't act like that again." he blushed as he said this, making his face look alight. "My name is Rythe."

"Hi." I said breathlessly at his blushing face. It made him look even better, at least, if that were possible. He took this opportunity to close the space between us. Now as the wind billowed around us, our clothes touched.

"Hey." he said just as breathless as I was. That's strange. Before the change I had been fairly pretty, but not enough for people to notice, and I had been so annoyingly preppy. But now, as a changed human, people noticed me more. I had just figured it was the drastic change that had made me look like the princess of the dark and dreaded. I guess there was more to it then that, if I could manage to take this guy's breath away.

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