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A/n hello, I'm luci,  my dear friend thought of this entire plot I'm just writing it enjoy<3

Anne Shirley cuthburt had just been adopted by the cuthburts and it was her second day at the school house, she had just left and was walking through the woods, admiring the beauty. she only longed to be as beautiful green on the trees or the blissful colors of the flowers. She was about to start skipping as she was already having an amazing morning what could to wrong? Just then she heard shuffling in the trees she turned her head and out comes billy Andrew. Oh no.
"Anne of green gables, you and me we're gonna talk." He states she froze mentally as he  continues
"You said some pretty nasty stuff about my sister"
She didn't know what to say as she manages to get out
"Who's your sister?"
"Prissy Andrews dummy"
"I'm sure I didn't mean to be nasty"
"Is that why she was crying all night?" He steps closer
"My parents say  that's slander, you wanna get slander?" He gets closer
"Sorry. I truly ment no harm"
He chuckles as he steps closer and she drops her books
"I'm gonna teach you a lesson, Fido"
"You're a bad dog. Bad little dog" he steps closer and closer and closer until
"Hey billy!" A brunette boy apers as he continues
"How's it going?"
"Hey gilbert"
Gilbert blythe. What to say about him? He's sweet and he would protect the love of his life at all cost alough he didn't know it yet

"Man, it's-it's um, it's good to be back."
He looks at the red head confused as to who she is

"Uh, yeah, yeah welcome back" billy says

"Yeah, it's good to see you buddy" gilbert shakes his hand

"So you guys, uh playing a game or something, right? Looks fun but we should probably get to school, eh? Hate to be tardy. Mr Phillips sure gets his dander up about that."

Gilbert finishes. he feels fury he's not sure why all he knows is billy should leave this girl alone.

"Yeah I was just about to get going. See you there" billy states as he looks at anne

Gilbert watches him leave as he stares at the girl and looks her up and down

"You alright, miss?"

She unfreezes and bends down to grab her books all she can say is

"You're welcome" gilbert says trying to lighten the mood a bit

"Need anything else? Any dragons around here need slaying?"

"No, thank you" she shouts back

"Hey who are?" At this point he is genuinely interested her hair is quite lovey and her eyes were an ocean blue she didn't answer him and he ran after her

"Uh miss?"

"What's your name?"

She still wasn't answering until it got to a point she slowed down enough for him to catch up with her then she carried on walking he opened the door for her, politely, as they walked through the door all eyes were on them but gilbert didn't care. He'd only just met this girl but he felt some weird sparx he didn't know what it was. To his surprise she then spoke

"I'm sorry if I was rude, I'm anne"

"Oh, I'm-" he was then cut off by the hurd of boys saying hello to him as he had been travelling with his father who was quite ill as this happened anne ran out side with the girls following her.

Josie pye the malicious girl of the school house she didn't like anne as she was an orphan.

Ruby gillis she was a sweet romantic girl but she had the same hopeless crush for 3 years on gilbert bltyhe she thought she'd get her chance eventually she didn't like anne beacuse when she walked in with gilbert she saw gilbert look at her in a way she's never seen before. Petty?yes but she was following along with josie

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