"I've already said too much"said Don looking down.

"Well it's too late now.Spill"pushed Felicity.

"Fine only because you are our godmother"said Felicity.

"Yea in the future you have a daughter namer Mia Queen she is really smart, graduated from MIT computer science,she is a CFO at Queen consolidated, she was trained by you,Thea Queen,Nyssa al ghul,Sara lance and Kate Kane just to mention a few plus at the academy,she specializes in archery,swords, ju jitsu and many more"explained Dawn.

"She also moonlights as a cage fighter that goes by the name Blackstar,which might I add is really hot"said Don with a smile ob his face.

Hearing the young man call his daughter hot Oliver glared at him,"why are you here Barry" he asked.

"I need Felicity's help in making an ID for them"replied Barry.

"I can do that"shouted Felicity running to the computers.

"I'll help"said Barry following Felicity.

"You come with me"said Oliver pointing at Don.

Don follwed Oliver yo the training area followed closely by Dawn.

"Please don't shoot me with your arrows"said Don looking closely at his uncle.

"Depends on how you answer my questions"said Oliver darkly.

"You should know we were trained by alot of expert fighters like You,Alex Danvers, Brainaic 5,Nyassa al ghul,Batman,Kate Kane, Diana Prince just to mention a few"warned Don with a smirk.

"You do know that Batman isn't real right"said Oliver with a smile.

"Oooh he's real alright, don't worry you will meet him in  due time"replied Dawn watching the two circle each other.

"So tell me Don are you and my daughter the same age!"asked Oliver.

"No"replied Don.

"Did you guys ever date?"asked Oliver.

"Aaaa no"replied Don.

Oliver analysed him to see if he was telling the truth."Are you lying to me Don?"questioned Oliver.

"I have never even kissed her Dawn did"replied Don.

"Traitor"Dawn mumbled under her breath.

"Don't worry uncle it was only during a school play"said Dawn."plus we only see her as our big sister"continued Dawn.

Don and his uncle started fighting.

"Come on you got to hit harder than that"taunted Oliver.

"I don't wanna hurt you"said Don.

"You said that I trained you right, come on let's see if you were paying attention during training"said Oliver.

Dawn was just watching them with a smile on her face.

"Bring it on"said Don.

The sound of metal crashing encased the cave.Don swinged his metal rod at Oliver, Oliver jumped back avoiding the blow.Don and Oliver's metal rods clashed together.Don and Oliver were moving in rythm.

Seeing an opening Oliver smacked his metal rod across Don's face.His head turned to the side as blood splattered on the floor.

"Don!"screamed Dawn.

"I'm fine"said Don to Dawn through their mind link.

"Fighters work at the same pace,you just need to switch it up to throw your opponent off their game"said Oliver walking around Don who was still wiping the blood on his face with his forearm.

"Yao Fei right?"asked Don.

Oliver stood still in shock."How did you......"Oliver began.

"We know everything there's to know about you uncle"smirked Don."like everything that happened with Shado"continued Don.

Oliver was taken back by Don's comment,Don used this to his advantage,Don spun around only to strike his metal rod on Oliver's calf taking him down in one swift move.

Laying on the floor Oliver looked impressed,Don used his on move against him.

Dawn was smiling trying not to laugh at her uncle,she gave her brother a high five then went to the salmon ladder to give it a try.

Grabbing the metal rod Dawn began to ascend to each level at a normal pace.

While Oliver and the kids were sparring, Barry and Felicity were busy creating the ID's.

This is the twins new profile they graduated from MIT with a degree in computer science and they also have a degree in criminology.They went to key stone high but they graduated early due to their high IQ"read Felicity while typing on the computer.

"I gotta say those kids are genius,sure got Caitlin's brains"said Felicity.

"Hey what about mine?"complained Barry.

"Let's hope not"said Felicity,as Barry looked offended.

"What will be their new names? asked Felicity.

"Caitlin was thinks that they should be Snow's since everyone knows I don't have any other family,So it will be Don and Dawn Snow from key stone city, twin children of Charlie and jane Snow,you will have to create fake ID's for the parents too make Charlie Snow Caitlin's brother "explained Barry.

After a few minutes Felicity was finished.

"Ok we have Don and Dawn Snow born November 10 1999, from key stone city , father Charles Snow mother Jane Snow"Felicity said reading from the computer.

"Perfect"smiled Barry.

"So what's the cover story for them being here?"asked Felicity.As she was printing the twins passports, driver's license and all the necessary IDs.

"That they are staying with Caitlin while their parents are on vacation"answered Barry.

"Are you gi done yet"asked Oliver as walking towards Barry and Felicity followed by the twins.

"Yup"replied Felicity placing all the documents in an envelope.

"Well I guess that's it then"said Barry taking the envelope.

"Aww I'm gonna miss you"said Felicity running over to the twins engulfing them in a tight hug."we didn't even get a chance to talk"said Felicity hugging them tighter.

"Aunt Felicity"croaked Don from her strong grip.

"You are suffocating us"breathed out Dawn.

"Please come visit soon"begged Felicity.

"We'll try"said the twins in unison.

"They are good kids"Oliver said to Barry while watching the kids chat with Felicity."take good care of them"continued Oliver turning to Barry.

"I will"assured Barry.

"Ready to go?"asked the twins looking at the pair.

"Yeah"replied Barry.

"Take care guys"said Oliver to the kids but to his surprise they engulfed him in a hug.

"Hey if your father ever give you problems don't hesitate to call me I'll fix him with some of my arrows"Oliver whispered to the kids but made sure that Barry heard him.

"For sure"replied the kids in unison while smiling, Barry was gulping fearing what his future will bring.

"Well we should go your mother is waiting for us"said Barry.

"Until next time"said Barry flashing away back to central city.

Followed by closely by his kids.

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