Penny noticed you were looking at her arm and covered it

"Penny? Are you okay?"


Then the principal came out of nowhere

"Okay everyone, time's up-"

She had noticed what was up with Penny's arm too


"Y-yes mum!"

"Im gonna have to take you to the log, come with me"

You were really confused. They took Ted to the school's nurse because he fell of a rock but a fricking piranha had bit off Penny's skin and the principal WHICH WAS HER MOTHER just took her to the log?

So you decided to follow them

You couldn't say you hurt your hand again, that would be really suspicious. So you just sneaked out.

You followed then to the log and stayed out. You then started to listen to the Principal talking to someone.

"Make sure to have it for tomorrow"

"I will, i may actually have it tonight already" It was... Monty's voice!

"Great, now take care of her and don't let anyone see her arm"

And with that you started to hear footstepts going out of the log. You inmediatly ran away, back to the fishing spot






You arrived just in time


"Okay, that's everyone except Penny and Theodore. We can continue now" A monitor said

"The next activity is going to be... drumroll please" You all started to make a drumroll with rocks and sticks "Making a tent! You are all going to sleep in a tent tonight. Now, im gonna say the new groups for tonight"

You were really happy to sleep outide of the log for one day

"First group, Buggs, Jerome and Monty. Second group, Nugget, Cindy and Carla. Third group-" He then stopped inmediatly after realising that some of the students of the third group were the ones that were hurt and couldn't come

"We are back!" Said the principal. For some reason, Penny was with her. She had a bandage covering her arm.

"Just in time! Okay then, Third group, Penny, y/n and Ozzy"

Hell. You were in the same group as Ozzy. You weren't mad because you didn't like him, (AS A FRIEND) but because what happened earlier while talking to Lily and Billy.

You had just remebered. You didn't got to tell Lily and Billy to hide! Or did you?

You weren't sure, so you had to go and talk to them again

"Can i go to the log? I need something in there" You asked the principal, she nodded

With that done, you ran to your log.

"Lily, Billy? Are you two okay?"

"y/n?" You could hear them perfectly now

"Yes, it's me! Are you okay?"

"Yes, and thank you for warning us about the principal returning, you literally saved our lifes"

"So you heard me?"

"Of course"

"Phew, thats good to know. Well, i gotta go now, bye!"


You ran back

"Did you found what you wanted y/n?" The principal asked you

"No! I will search for it tomorrow"

"Okay, then go help your team, they are already making the tent"

Instead of "they" she should have said him. Penny was resting on the floor while Ozzy was building the tent

You started to help him and you both stayed quiet for a few  minutes until he said something

"Talking to your friends again huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you went to the log again and talked to them. But i dont even know who "them" is"

"I- Ozzy, seriously, there's nothing to worry about!"

"If there's nothing to worry about why don't you tell me who they are?"

"They are just friends"

"And who did they had to hide from?"

"It was just a game"

"Oh, then you act very well. You were even stressed while telling them to hide"

"Ozzy, as i said before, there's nothing to worry about"


You had finished building the tent and it was already night time

"Okay everyone, there was a little incident that made us unnable to have dinner tonight, so you all have to go to sleep now"

You could hear a lot of "awww" 's , "Seriuosly?" 's and " come on" 's

But there was nothing you could do about it.

Well, actually there was

One thing you putted in your backpack without your mother knowing, were cookies. The problem was you only had three, so you decided to share them with your group

"Guys, do you want cookies?"

"Of course! I mean, yes, thank you!" Said Penny while grabbing one

"Why should i trust you?" Said Ozzy

"Are you being serious right now? It's not like im gonna poison you, right?"

Since Ozzy was really hungry he actually took the cookie, leaving you with one, which you ate.

After that Ozzy fell asleep, making you and Penny the only ones awake in your group


"Yes y/n? is anything wrong?"

"I... I followed you and your mother when the piranha bit you. I know she told Monty to have something ready for tomorrow"

Penny looked surprised that you had followed them

"Y/n..." She stayed silent for a while and then she removed the bandage she had in her arm "Im... Im not human y/n, im a robot. That's the reason why im wearing a bandage, so that anyone sees my circuits and metal. And what my mother asked Monty to have ready for tomorrow was my new skin"


"Yes. But please! Don't tell anyone i told you this. Mostly my mom"

"I won't Penny, i promise. Im going to sleep now"


Actually... how were you supposed to be able to sleep? You had just found out that one of your best friends was a robot. 

You actually managed to sleep without any trouble

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