"OH MY GOD TED! ARE YOU OKAY?" The principal cried

"Ye- No..."

"We have to get him to the hospital quick!"

"Im sorry to inform you, but we can't afford it" Mr. Danner replied

"Then what?!"

"We can simply get him to the school nurse"

"Okay then, I'll bring him there quickly"

And with that Ted and the Principal left

That was when you noticed something

Wait... Lily and Billy! I have to tell them!

But you couldn't just leave, you needed to have a reason to

"Miss?" You started to talk to a monitor  "I hurt my hand, can i go to my log please?"

"Of course!"

You started to run to the log the fastest you could and grabbed the walkie-talkie

"Lily! Billy! You need to hide, the principal is coming back!"


But no one anwered



again, no one

You started to panick and continued to try to inform them, but again, no one anwered.


"Y/n? 1s th4t y0u?" You could barely hear them

"Guys? Guys! You need to hide, quickly!"

"Hide from who?" You heard someone behind you


"Yes, that's my name, but again, i have a question. Hide from who? Who are you even talking to?"

"No one, no one..."

"Do you think im stupid?"

"Of course not"

"Okay then, tell me"

"I- Ozzy, i promise it's no one"

"You are basically calling me stupid, again"

"Im not!"

"You are, now tell me"

You were saved by a monitor walking in

"Guys! We are going to fish now, come with me"

You three started to walk. Ozzy was looking at you as if he was gonna discover who you were talking to just by looking at you.

"Here we are!"

Everyone was already fishing. You sat with Penny

"Hey Penny!"

"Oh, hi y/n! I didn't see you"

"Have you fished anything so far?"

"No but Felix already fished 10! In only 15 minutes!"

"Wow, that's amazing"

You continued talking until...

"I have one!" You said while trying to get it out

You eventually managed to fish it! And it was a...


You dodge the piranha, but Penny didn't

"AHHHHH! HELP!" She screamed

You started to pull it out of her arm and threw it into the river again

"Phew that was clos-" You looked at Penny's arm, her skin was gone and you could see metal.

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