J'onn J'onzz x adopted daughter reader(part 1)

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Third person pov

It was karaoke night at the Danvers', when they all heard a loud noise. A spaceship came crashing down in the middle of National City. Kara, J'onn, and Mon El all looked at each other and went towards the crash sight.

(Y/n)'s pov


Me and my brother were sitting in our living space. Our parents are no longer in the picture due to the white martians. We were in our green martian forms, because we were more comfortable in that form. We sat there with a small fire keeping us warm. I thought I would turn into my human form. The red glow light formed around my body as my (h/l) (h/c) came, my green skin turned (s/c), my dark eyes turned (e/c). I looked over at my brother, who sat across from me on the other side of  the fire. He was in his human form. My brothers hair was brown, bang swept to the side, eyes were brown, and skin lightly tinted.

It was night time, but the night was always the worst here on Mars. The white martians are always awake at night. The screams never end. 

Some time went by when we heard sounds coming from outside. In a split second, we knew it was the white martians. I looked at my brother and he looked at me. When I looked into my brother's eyes, I saw something I hadn't seen since our parents sacrificed their lives for me and my brother. He took my hand and went to the basement area. My brother knew  something was down there.

He took a blanket off of what looked like a pod.

"Get in. It will take you to earth. You will be safe there." My brother said in martian.

"What about you?"I ask my brother in english.

"I'll be fine, (y/n), I'll be okay," he responded back in english. Just then we heard the white martians break in. I got in the pod, while my brother set it to head towards earth. 

As the pod was leaving, the last thing I saw was my brother getting impaled by a white martians. I screamed in agony, pain, and deep sadness. My brother was all I had left and the white martians took that away from me. 

I am the last green martian of mars.......

End of flashback

My pod had just crash landed on a planet that I'm guessing is earth. I heard three people talking outside of my pod. Out of fear I went into my martian form. Just then my pod got opened and I saw a woman with long blond hair. She looked at me then turned to someone that was behind her. The woman seemed to have whispered to what looks like a man. The man came into the light. Instead of seeing a man, I saw a green martian.

I thought the white martians were playing tricks on me, so I hid within the pod, not daring to trust the being. As I least expect, the green martian showed his human form, showing that he can be trusted. 

"My name is J'onn J'onzz. What is yours, ittle ne?"

"(y/n) (l/n)" I said in a quiet voice, too scared of being killed.

"Don't worry I'm going to take care of you. You are safe here on earth."

"I can trust you?"

"Yes, you can. I am going to take you to a place where you are going to get checked. To see if you're okay, I mean." The green martian said. And all I could do was nod as he picked me up and flew me to an unknown place.

As he flew me, I saw the woman from earlier and another man. They followed us to the unknown place. And I knew from here on out I'm going to be okay.


The little glossary

ittle ne: little one

Author's note: Thank you all for reading. I came up with this hoping you all will enjoy it. Please keep a look out for part 2, cause you all know you like it. You all can deny it all you want, but I know you enjoy this. 

I'll say this again, request are open.

And who ever just farted, please keep that stuff to yourself.

With all the love I have (since I'm as single as a pringle),

Raven The Sapphire Widow

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