~37 real life~

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Jules slumps down on the bench in the city. Tammy and Lizzie had dragged her out of her house and to the city. Which had been in her eyes been a bad idea since she had become overnight so popular.

But to her surprise people kept their distance and only waved kindly at her. Which she had been grateful about. Not that having all of these people look at her and give her pitiful looks did anything good.

"Why are we here?" Jules asks in french, her voice breaking as she had been trying to keep the tears in.

"We're meeting someone." Tammy tells her friend with a smile.

Jules knows where this is going. She has a feeling that she won't like what is about to happen. But she keeps quiet and stays seated nevertheless. The tears want to stream down her cheeks again. They want to break and have her cry in public again.

Jules doesn't say anything for a while, she had left her phone in the car. Not wanting to look at the many comments that had come in from people who kept asking her questions or tell her how much they hate charles now.

And if she had to be honest, telling everyone that she hates charles now would be the biggest lie she had told in her life. She loves him, she still does and always will. And a small part of her wonders if it had all a misunderstanding.

That she cried all those tears for nothing, that her heartbreaking that way was because she didn't ask Charles his side of the story. She was broken beyond repair when she saw it.

A part of her saw that he didn't seem to like the kiss. That he didn't want it but her brain didn't seem to think that was relevant. All she could focus on was charles kissing another girl and the expensive gifts he got her only weeks and months before like he was covering something up.

Which he had played off by saying he felt so guilty for not trusting her. That he had never felt so bad in his life before. And for a moment she had wondered of that was a cover up for him cheating.

But then again, he never told her no if she wanted to come over. He never told her that he was busy and she could always, didn't matter the time of day, call him so that couldn't have been the case because he wasn't sneaking around or hiding something.

He was very open with her and send her pictures of what he was doing. Most of the time they were crazy selfies of him and Carlos making weird faces.

But most heartbroken people would angrily throw the stuff they got from their ex away. Tear it apart or set it on fire, but not Jules. She hadn't touched any of it. She didn't have the heart to throw it away or touch it for that matter.

Jules doesn't mind sitting on the bench, the cold chilling her bones as the snow is slowly falling. Clinging to her clothes and hair. She looks up to see Pierre, Lando and Max coming their way.

Jules knows who will follow, who will be with them. She knows why they are here. Tear gather in her eyes as she wipes them away quickly because she doesn't want anyone posting anymore photos of her crying.

She can see Charles standing in the distance as the other three coming to them. Pierre is the first to give Jules a smile. Max and Lando stay behind Pierre, but giving her the same smile.

"You should really talk to Charles." Pierre tells her.

Jules nods her head and looks at her friends for a second. They nod their head and Jules gets up from her seat. Pierre and Max step aside to let her through. She can see Charles standing there on the other side of the park.

The closer Jules gets to Charles the more she can see the dark circles around his eyes. The hoodie that he wears and has the hood pulled over his head to hide somewhat his face. She can see his hands shaking as he makes eye contact with her.

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