~19 real life~

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Jules grabs the sleeve of Charles his sweater, looking at the angry boy. Who is fuming at his phone, standing like an toddler with a tantrum at the baggage claim.

"Please don't let her rile you up." Jules says in french, lacing her fingers in his.

"But she keeps dragging you down and hurting you for no good reason other than being jealous of you. I saw it with your first fashion post and on Sunday. Do you know how angry it makes me?" Charles says pulling her into his arms.

Jules rubs his back softly, she understands what he is feeling. She had been there when she was younger, way way younger. She understands Charles and why he wants to protect her. She knows that she's too kind for the world.

"You really think I don't see what she's doing?" Jules asks him.

"Well it seems like you don't." Charles huffs.

He sees their suitcases, he grabs them from the conveyor belt. Jules takes her own red suitcase that she has had since she had been little but loves. Many fashion and make up stickers on them.

"I don't think you understand, Charles. I do know what she does. I just elected to ignore her rudeness. I have a choice, i can lower myself to her level and be a bitch or i can stay kind and people have nothing dirty on me. It's a choice i made. Trust me. At home it's completely different." Jules says with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Really?" Charles asks her.

Jules nods her head, she grabs his lower in her hand and leads him away towards the pick up place that she had arranged with her mother for her, her brother and Charles. She told her little brother to go ahead and keep their mother company.

"If you feed her the attention she desires, you give her power. I just ignore her, i stay nice to her despite how badly i want to bash her face in. I don't give her the power she wants, which makes her react worse. And in some way it's entertaining because i do nothing wrong." Jules says to Charles.

"And this is why you're the brains in the relationship. I would have just kept fuelling it." Charles chuckles.

It doesn't take them long to find her mother, who is waiting with Pierre and Josephine apparently. Who is texting on her face and looking like she hates being there.

Jules her friends, Tammy and Lizzie had left on Monday, Jules and Charles had decided to stay one day longer and take Pierre out and around Melbourne with a tour guide named Daniel of course. In the end every driver had tagged along and it was fun. Little pierre had the time of his life.

"Maman!" Jules says greeting her mother.

Pierre takes his and Jules' suitcase and helps Charles put them in the Honda suv. Jules hugs her mother and turns around to find Charles gone and by the back of the car with Pierre, already whispering about something.

It would be a short ride, only 20 minutes drive from the airport to their home. Jules watches for a second her little brother and boyfriend putting their suitcases in the trunk. Before Charles walks around the car to introduce himself.

"Bonjour, I'm charles." Charles says introducing himself to her mother.

"Bonjour, charles. I'm Manon, her mother." Manon introduces herself, firmly shaking hands.

Manon nudges her daughter Josephine in the side, trying to have her daughter introduce herself to the nice young man that is her daughter's boyfriend. Josephine looks up from her phone and stretches her hand out.

"Josephine, hot stuff." Josephine flirts.

Charles rolls his eyes, he looks at Jules who is smiling at her mother while holding Charles' hand. His heart flutters at how she isn't jealous or cares what her sister had said. He squeezes her hand, gaining her attention.

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