~4 Real life~

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Charles walks along side his brothers, his mother behind them as she had wanted to come with them but didn't feel the need to be in the insta post that her son had posted.

"I'm sad we're not seeing any hot chicks." Arthur complains in french as they only see older women and men walking the village streets.

Charles doesn't care at the moment, he just broke up with his previous girlfriend who had been dragging his self-esteem down and told him he wasn't good enough or bad and everything bad that happened. Had been his fault.

He isn't in the mood for any girls to throw themselves at him nor does he want to be getting in a new relationship at the moment. He's not ready to have his heart broken multiple times by one girl because she liked to play with it.

"Bakery!" Arthur shouts, snapping Charles out of his thoughts.

They had been walking around the village for a bakery. In the mood for some croissants and other baked goods. The smell of the freshly baked croissants hit his nose and make his stomach growl in hunger.

He follows them into the small bakery, a blonde girl with long hair has her back turned to them, taking out a tray of freshly baked cinnamon rolls from the oven. He can hear her softly hum to the radio that is playing in the background.

"Jules! Can we get two croissants!?" A girl says while passing them.

Charles feels his heart drop to the floor, the pain never hurting any less after so many years of his godfather being gone. It still makes him want to cry. He feels a tear slip from his eye as he tries not to let her name get to him.

The girl turns around with a smile on her face, she grabs two croissants from the shopwindow. She pits them in paper bags and starts to chat to the two girls that had just come in.

Arthur makes a move to complain about them pushing ahead of them. But Charles holds him back, he motions for them to leave the place. But the baker girl makes eye contact with him.

"What can i get you, guys?" Her voice is sweet and very kind.

His brother takes the lead and steps up to the shopwindow. Charles can't help but feel his heart beat faster at her beautiful deep blue eyes. Her bright smile while she grabs whatever Arthur had told her he wanted. And before he knows it his mother nudges him.

"Can i get you anything?" She asks Charles.

He steps up to her and gives her a smile. He points out to her a croissant. She grabs it for him and puts it with the other baked goods that his family had picked out. She places it on the counter and types in the price of the food.

"Daphne! Daphne!" A young boy comes running into the shop. "That's Charles Leclerc!"

He pays for their food and grabs the bag. The boy runs behind the counter and pulls on his sister's sleeve. He points to Charles with a smile. She shakes her head but confusion is clear on her face.

"Then why are you bugging me, go ask for a picture." She tells the boy.

"Oh, right, thanks Daphne." He says before he runs around the counter.

He doesn't have to say anything to Charles. The Monegasque motions for him to stand next to him and the baker girl takes a couple of pictures of them. The boy thanks him before he bids the baker girl a goodbye too and tells her he will see her home.

"Have a nice day, guys." The girl says before going back to work.

Charles stands there for a second longer, afraid to ask for her number but he doesn't want to leave without it either. After another second he steps out of the bakery too. A little sad that he didn't ask for her number but he's afraid that he will get in a relationship again where he is unhappy and wants to just end his own life with.

Arthur notices the down look on his brother while they walk through the streets of the village. He nudges the shoulder of Charles, making him look at him.

"Why so sad?" Arthur asks his brother.

"I wanted to ask for her number but I'm scared that she's gonna be like louise." Charles says to his little brother.

Arthur shakes his head at his brother. His fears and insecurities are clouding his judgement in Arthur's eyes. This girl didn't care who they were nor did she seem to have a mean or bad hair on her body.

"I'll get it for you." Arthur says before turning around and leaving quickly.

Charles feels his heart drop, his little brother is gonna ask a girl's number for him because he's scared to. This girl is gonna think he's a loser and pathetic for not asking her himself. She's not gonna.

Arthur runs into the shop, the girl looks up as she hears him panting. She gives him a smile before she walks closer to him. In the distance she can see his family standing and waiting for him.

"Hi, can i ask your number for my brother?" Arthur asks for Charles. "His self-esteem is a bit damaged after his last girlfriend. So..." Arthur rambles on.

The girl interrupts him. She grabs a business card and a pen before she writes it on for him. She slides the card over and gives him a smile.

"It's fine, no need to explain." She says as she smiles at him.

"Okay, thank you?" Arthur asks.

"Daphne. And his?" She asks with a cheeky smile.

"Charles, his name is Charles." Arthur smiles before she bids him goodbye.

Arthur nods and walks back to him family. Lorenzo raises his brow at him before Arthur hands him the business card. Charles sees a phone number on there and a little smily. He chuckles before he turns back to the bakery.

He catches her eye and she waves at him before she goes back to work. He waves stupidly back before his brother takes him along with him. He can't help but feel relieved that he got her number.

Charles Leclerc: Insta.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora