2. sight seeing

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It was simple. A photo, and a leak on social media.

The photo was taken at a market, not a popular one, it was empty and dark, only some street lights were on to light the photo.

A freakishly tall man with red, long hair tied up in a messy ponytail. It seemed fiery, like it could set on fire at any given moment. He wore a black sweatshirt, perfect to his build and size, lanky and tall. His hands we jammed into his pockets, the skin barelt visible on his wrists and neck a light shade of red. Pale red. He was not human. There is only one demon we know locally that has that skin tone...

The 'person' next to him, shockingly shorter, way shorter. His dark brown hair stuck up normally, a red ribbon peaking through, which seemed to be wrapped around his head. Who was the only one that wore a red ribbon? That person was dead. This one wore darker clothing, too large, as if loaned. It was a dark red sweater, knitted, with black jeans, still larger than him. He was human, definitely. But upon further look, he was not.

A tail looped around his leg, fluffy and dark brown, just like his hair. He had sideburns, hard to see, but they were there, still growing. A tail certainly isn't human, perhaos he too is a demon. His skin was a coffee color, tough to make out in the lighting, just like the demon beside him, but you could tell. Yet, the skin, although normally human, excluding the tail, shone in the lighting of the street lights. No skin shined like that. He was metallic, built of metal, a machine.

These two men were Red Son, son of the Demon Bull King, and MK, the Monkey Kid.


"Monkey Kid is dead, isn't he?"

"yea, died in the fight with the bone demon"

"this has got to be a set up!! he is dead!!"


"Red Son???? holy—"


MK shot up at the sound of Red Son cursing so loud, his ears were oddly senstive, as if made that way, or had they always been? He had no memory of it.

"What's wrong, Red?" MK got up, walking over to Red Son, who sat on the hard floor beside his rather cool vehicle, staring at his phone, covered in grease and filth, smelt filthy too. Tools were spread out neatly on the floor around him, yet nuts and bolts were scattered, not neat. He had to have dropped them.

Red let out a low growl under his breath, unable to contain his anger, but he tried. He didn't want MK to know what had happened to him so long ago. He wasn't sure how the new MK would take it.

Red Son had mastered AI long ago, humanoid AI. He grew up tinkering with every little thing. It was easy! It was insane for him to think about how people still had no idea how to create something so human. MK was perfectly human. Except for how he shone like an angel, how beautiful it looked—how metallic it looked. MK was no longer human.

Red cleared his throat, turning his phone off to look up at his boyfriend, smiling. "Nothing, I got startled and dropped everything." he looked down to the nuts and bolts that had run across the floor after he saw the post of them.

They had been seen, the one thing Red absolutely didn't want to happen. He had taken extra safe precautions, went to buy things in the most unsafe markets. MK was attached, and needed to come with Red, so he did. Red Son knew it was a bad idea, and he was sadly right. He wished it wasn't.

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