Chapter 4! [ 1760 words :( ]

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After some days, Yellian went to the guards to give their plans for the war.  They had already planned on sending most of their soldiers back to their home town in preparation of winter and would not be able to send many more before they all die of sickness. The only ones that will be going with Yellian are the elite soldiers who can hold a battle better than the rest.

Liwa spent his time cleaning his room. (him and Yellian live in the same house as roommates) He grew bored so he went  outside and began training. His skills were excellent enough to make him feel good about himself.

He also knew how to kill other men and women, when he was still very young. He wasn’t allowed to train with other warriors but he had been practicing with a wooden sword when someone stopped by.

"Oh, hi Liwa" greeted Evermore.

"Hello, what brings you here?" Liwa smiled and walked over to her.
Evermore looked sad and said," It's my uncle. He wants me to stay in the capital until the war is finished."
Liwa put his hand on her shoulder. He didn't want to ask anything but asked.

"So, did you decline? "
She shook her head no. "No, he said that I should spend more time with those I love. I'll be fine at home."
A tear fell from her eyes as she continued. "But I'm so worried, what if something happens while I'm away! What if I never see any of you again!"

"You will!" Liwa continued "Me and the others will visit you! Did he postpone the wedding? "
Evermore wiped her tears away and nodded her head yes.
Liwa sighed and hugged her. He could hear the crying getting louder and louder.
"It's okay, now you have to stop crying." Liwa tried to comfort her.
Evermore finally got up and pulled away from his hug.

"Did he even approve of your relationship with him? " asked Liwa. "Of course he does! I'm his only family left, I have to give him desendants. He told me that the wedding had to be postponed due to the war!! " shouted Evermore.

It wasn't an angry shout. More of a  desperate plea for reassurance.
Liwa sighed again and put his hands on her shoulders. "I know this is difficult... But do you think it's possible for us to visit you during the summer? We have plenty of spare tents and supplies to bring back, and you'd definitely need more clothing because you'l freeze like that."
He looked deep into her eyes.

He didn't expect her to agree but he hoped she did.
Evermore started laughing. "Oh, Liwa, we can do whatever you wanna do during the summer! We won't have to worry about money or anything of the sort."

Liwa was practically  jumping with excitement. "Really?!"
Evermore laughed even harder. "Yes, really! Don't worry about money, I've got it covered, and if you decide to marry Yellian after the war then you can always use my money to pay for your clothes!"

That made Liwa  calm down for a second. She thought about it. She was happy about the idea. After being married to Dormin for almost a decade, she just couldn't imagine her life without him.
Her heart fluttered as her thoughts drifted to Dormin. She imagined them living together with two small children running around, making cookies.

"So.... When are you gonna pack? " asked Liwa.
"Well... I guess I gotta go tomorrow since it's pretty late today. "
"Great! I'll help you pack!" exclaimed Liwa with enthusiasm.


Evermore woke up the next morning before suns peak.  She dressed quietly and snuck into the hall. Most of the servants already left for their homes and it was silent.

Evermore grabbed a bag with some clothes and took out some of her favorite books. Her father once showed her the library so she decided to go look through the books. After grabbing one book from the shelves, she saw someone sitting on a chair. Someone she didn't expect to be there so early. She slowly approached the person.

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