Chapter 3 (3607 words!)

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(Hallu ppl! Hope y'all enjoy this one!)

But of course, the three boys didn't know where she went. Liwa took the task of comforting her much to Yellian's intention of letting her be.

After Lisa left to comfort his friend, Yellian then explains the plans for the war and how to make use of this knowledge.
When he finished, he waited patiently for a reaction or anything out of the ordinary. But nothing came.
He sighed sadly. He knew Dormin was feeling guilty from not comforting his fiance, but he wasn't expecting a response like that.


Evermore was laying in bed, crying silently, clutching her pillow tightly. She didn't want to be bothered until Lisa opened the door, slowly and quietly.

Lisa turned her head to see a sad but calm Liwa.  Her hand raised up in a gesture to tell Lisa not to talk about what had happened. Lisa nodded her understanding and went to sit on her side of the bed.
"I'm sorry," was all Liwa said after taking off his glasses.
"No need to apologize," replied Lisa. "It was not your fault."
"I was the one to remind you of 𝙞𝙩 . " Liwa then spoke.

"I was the one to overreact! " shoutes Evermore, tears flowing down her face.
Right then Liwa hugs her. Evermore breaks down sobbing.


Dormin was formulating a plan in his house.  He looked through all the papers and charts he'd been studying about military strategy. The only thing he could think about was his sister.
She'd always been there with him through thick and thin. Even when they were younger. Whenever things got tough. It broke Dormin’s heart every time she disappeared into a world he couldn' reach her. Every time it reminded him of the time Lisa and his mom were taken away.
The thought of their parents made Dormin break down once again and he cried himself to sleep.


Yellian was sitting beside Liwa, watching over him. He wasn't having nightmares about what was going to happen in the war.

Evermore came right through the door. Hoping to see if the others were still in the room. To her delight, the two boys were in there.  She went up to them and hugged Yellian.
She pulled away, noticing something odd on Yellian's wrist.
"What are those? " asked Evermore as she looked at the bracelet.

"I made it, I also have on time Liwa! " answered Yellian. But his shout woke Liwa up, he looked like he was gonna go sleep again until he saw Evermore.  He smiled tiredly and sat back up.
"Thank you, both of you. For being there for me", he yawned and laid down again.
They talked for a while before he fell asleep again. Yellian smiled slightly at his friend's peaceful expression. He turned to Evermore, who was smiling softly too.

" When will you guys get married-" mumbled Evermore in her seat. She was sure enough that Yellian couldn't hear what she said. But oh boy was she wrong.

Yellian and Liwa stared at her, confused by her words. They never talked about marriage or getting married in front of other people. They just wanted to be together forever without needing anyone else.
" What are you talking about?" asked Yellian in confusion.
Evermore shook her head in embarrassment.

"Sorry! I-i was just thinking of a novel! yeah. " Evermore lied. Yellian looked at Liwa with amusement. Liwa noticed this and gave him an annoyed face in return. Liwa got up and went outside the room.

Yellian looked over to Evermore questioningly.
" You should go now", Evermore whispered. Yellian nods in understanding and goes upstairs.
Liwa waited a bit longer until Yellian came down.

"I guess we could go to bed" said Yellian with slight tiredness in his voice.

Liwa nodded his agreement, grabbed Yellians hand and led him to his own bedroom.

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