Chapter Four

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Was kindness part of the plan?
(This was edited after publishing)

   The office was even more dreary than the hotel, even Melvin realized that, but neither him nor you pointed that out once you both arrived. Actually, the both of you immediately went to sit down, though you actually ended up sitting on the floor before Melvin managed to sit down.

   Melvin sighed, "You're not sitting on the filthy floor, get up." He didn't even give you a moment to stand before lifting you up by your arm, him gently holding your hand as he pulled you up. "Here, just, follow me," He muttered, practically dragging you to the office chair with him. He sat down in the chair, scooting over enough to squeeze you next to him- which actually wasn't too uncomfortable, the chair was rather large for dramatic purposes. You stayed silent, which he noticed quickly and it actually worried him to an extent (not that he'd tell you that). It became obvious why you were tired after you let out a yawn and wrapped your arms around him (which he actually didn't mind, but he didn't want to admit that).

   "Wh- get off me!" Melvin quickly started tugging on your arms, attempting to get you to release him from your grasp- though you seemed to have an iron grip on him, despite your tiredness. "You are such a pain, (Y/N)," He sighed again, giving up on moving you away from him (which is what he wanted to do anyway). "Yeah but you love me," You mumbled out, hugging him tighter as you started to drift to sleep. He found it rather interesting how you could relax so easily around him despite him being such a rough individual.

   "No, I don't, not in the slightest." He said, a smile slowly forming on his face as you stayed determined and continued to hold him close to you. "Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that," You said, letting out a soft yawn right after. "Alright well we should at least move to the couch where it's more comfortable," Melvin stated, standing up from the chair and grabbing you in his arms (considering how tired you were, he figured you'd probably collapse if you attempted walking). You simply nodded at his statement, which made him smile faintly.

   Melvin set you down on the couch, making sure you wouldn't fall off. He looked at you for a moment. You seemed alright.. Then you seemed cold and he remembered that you'd probably want a blanket. He walked over to a drawer close to the couch and pulled out a blanket- something that was in the office when he rented it out, not something he bought (maybe someone else used this place as a room to sleep in? Not his business, not something he cared about. The blanket was clean so he figured he could use it- or, well, you could use it). He laid the blanket on you rather lazily. He watched as your hand grasped it and pulled it closer to you. It was slightly- endearing-? No, he shook off that thought.

   He wasn't sure where he would sleep- definitely not with you, he wasn't risking you seeing him cuddled up to you (that, and, well, he didn't exactly want to do it anyway). He walked over to the desk chair and sat down, resting his head in his hand and glancing over at you. His mind wandered, and he wondered. He wondered about you; about how long you and him had been friends for. Well- acquaintances, would be more accurate to him. He wasn't sure why but the idea of just friendship seemed like too much commitment for him and he wasn't ready for that, even though you and him had known each other for nearly your entire lives. You two acted like best friends but he- wasn't ready for that idea.

   He felt.. something, around you. He couldn't tell what it was- and that made him more nervous than anything else, really. It wasn't exactly a bad feeling, but it wasn't familiar, and he didn't like that. The only way he could describe it was a sort of fluttering- it was the same feeling he got when getting a project right on the very first try. Er- sometimes, at least, you made him feel that way. Sometimes you made him feel the same way he feels when an experiment blows up and nearly damages his eyes. It was- so conflicting and he didn't like that- no, he hated it.

   He sighed and rubbed his eyes, taking off his glasses. He looked down at the desk. Maybe he could simply.. close his eyes for a bit. He crossed his arms and rested his head on the desk, closing his eyes.

    Just for a bit, he thought, I'll close my eyes for a bit.

𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 (Melvinborg x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now