Ch 2: Level 154. A Test of Mettle

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I walk through the halls of Level 1 once more.

"Testing, one two one two." Kyle says over the radio. "Can you hear me, Slayer?" I give a thumbs up to the micro-camera stuck to my helmet. "Great. Camera feeds coming in great too, zero delay. But I'm not sure how that's going to be the case out in other levels though, but that's the reason we're going where we're going." He is always so upbeat and positive, it kinda counters balances me in a way.

"Where are you directing me too, exactly?" I ask.

"It's somewhere to test the camera, and maybe your armors strength, as well as your own abilities. I'll explain when you get there, ok?" Test my armors strength and my abilities? Sounds interesting, why not. I nod. "Cool, cool." We walk for a while until Kyle stops me. "Stop stop stop, you see that red light?" I look a little to my right and see it. I'm guessing I have to walk towards it. "Where we're going is in the direction of that light. Well, lights, but we'll see those the closer we get." Sounds easy enough. After I pass under the red light I see a pink one off in the distance and walk under it, I repeat this process with two other lights one yellow the final one green. Beneath the deep glow of green stands an old wooden door in front of me. Let's do this. "Slayers' first." I chuckle.

As I open the door, I'm greeted by the dark. Walking inside, the lights on my helmet automatically come on. The door closes behind me and Kyle clears his throat. "Foolish Slayer!" Kyle booms in a super villain voice. What? "Welcome to my MAZE OF LASERS!" I can't tell if I've been betrayed, or he's just trying to do a weird joke. If it's the first option, then when I get out of this "Maze of Lasers" he's got some explaining to do. But if it's the latter, it's a bit... cute? "Wander the labyrinths endless halls, pick the door of your choosing for a test of skill! A line of blue for flexibility and stability! A circle of yellow for dodging and fast movements! A triangle of red for intelligence and patience! A square of green for durability and strength! And finally, a pentagon of pink for speed and agility! Now go, and be tested!!!" Alright then.

Without my lights allowing me to see clearly, this place would have nearly been pitch black. The ceiling does have light bulbs attached to them, but they barely give off light. A more dime glow than anything else. Wandering the low light level layout of the level endless winding hallways was getting tedious, so I started running. After about thirty minutes of running, I finally find a door with a pink pentagon painted on the flat front of a large metal door.

"Ah, the test of speed and agility! Do you accept this challenge, or do you seek a different one?" I think about this for a few seconds before asking him to recite the other challenges. "As you wish. A line of blue for flexibility and stability! A circle of yellow for dodging and fast movements! A triangle of red for intelligence and patience! And a square of green for durability and strength! Before you lies the challenge of speed and agility!" Hmm... I choose this challenge. I place my hand on the door and, Kyle stops me.

"Wait, wait! I need to tell you how this one works." I nod. "This challenge works by you sprinting all the way to the end of the room at full speed and never slowing down! Once you reach the end, grab the pendent placed on a pedestal! This tests a person's abilities of speed, agility, and endurance!" Ok. Let's do this. I was halfway done pushing the door open when the voice I heard calling to me before I arrived here begins speaking to me once more.

"Great Slayer." I spin around and look in all directions trying to find the source, only to realize it's in my head. "I require your assistance. Come to level 9223372036854775810 where you will find me, and I will give you an exit back to your Universe as well as answer as many questions you may have. Hope to see you soon, Great Slayer. Goodbye for now." The voice fades away, and I am once again left alone in the silent darkness.

"Hey, Slayer?" Kyle says in his normal voice. "Are you ok?" I nod. "Alright. Well, just head in, then." I open the door and enter the room, the door slamming shut behind me. Half a second later, a wall of lasers covers light up and cover the door and begin moving forward at break neck speeds. Got it. I turn around and sprint so fast I outrun the laser wall and make it to the end in under forty-five seconds. I see the pendent and snag it off the podium. The moment my hand touches it, I blink out of the level and end up back in level 1, next to the door.

"Holy shit..." Kyle says dumbfounded. "I'm pretty sure you've passed the speed and agility test." He chuckles. I look at my hand and see that I'm still holding onto the pendent. It is quite beautiful. A shinning golden base in the shape of a star or in this case a pentagon, with jewels and gemstones of varying color and shape deeply embedded into it. A golden chain is attached to the top point of the pentagons base, allowing someone to place it around their neck. "Beautiful isn't it." Kyle says. I put it away in the inventory as I remember what the voice said, meet it on level 9223372036854775810 to get out of this maze of death.

Better tell Kyle...

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