The second tournament

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Today is the day that the second tournament will be and You are very anxious.

Har:Yn, wake up ! Today is the second tournament!
Yn:I don't want to.
He:Is she ready? OMG you are sleeping????
Ron: Wake up Yn!
Yn:Ron??? What are you doing here??? I am only with my underwears!!! Go away!!!!
Ron:Oops, sorry

Then you went to the Hogwarts's lake
Nev:Ok Yn eat this !!!
Yn: Why???
Nev:To be able to breathe be a mermaid!!
Yn:Ok......ghouh ghouh

You dive into the water and........

You dive into the water and

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You are a mermaid...

Meanwhile outside............
Nev: OMG!!!!Why she is not give us a point if she's live????? Did I just kill Yn Potter???

Then you do a figure and Neville starts to calming

You swim to the place and you see that there are:
Gabrielle Delacour

And you see that Cedric saved Cho, Victor saved Hermione and Fleur saved Bill. But there were 2 people, your brother and Fleur's sister. Then you grabbed both of them but mermaids told you only one!
Meanwhile outside, the time was finished and everyone was in shock!
Dumbledore:Where is Yn?? The time has finished and her magical tail will not exist!!!

 Then you grabbed both of them but mermaids told you only one!Meanwhile outside, the time was finished and everyone was in shock!Dumbledore:Where is Yn?? The time has finished and her magical tail will not exist!!!

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Then your tail disappears and you swim as fast as you can (with both of them) and the mermaids are right behind you....

Then your tail disappears and you swim as  fast as you can (with both of them) and the mermaids are right behind you

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You went outside and everyone was clapping!!!

Dumbledore:So in the first place is Victor the second Cedric the third place is Fleur Delacour.......and in the fourth place is Yn Potter, but she saved 2 people, so............Yn Potter is in the First place!!!!

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