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I reached home with a proud smile on my face.

I actually pulled it off.

The look on Omar's face.....

My God , the look on his face was simply priceless.

The moment I reached my room, I dialed Fauziya's number and bounced impatiently for her to pick up.

"You are a genius." I blurted the moment she did. My happiness couldn't be contained.

Just the possibility that our plan could work? Sends me over the moon.

She laughed. "I wouldn't call me that but you're welcome. Now you know what to do, right?" She asked and I nodded.

Realising she couldn't see me, I muttered a "yeah"

"Keep me updated, okay? I gotta go attend to you-know-who. Good night." She ended the call and I sighed and dropped on my bed.

Why did my husband have to be such a pain to deal with? Making me go to such extreme lengths just to make him jealous?


One of this days, he's going to make me go crazy wallah.

I groaned into my pillow frustratingly and when I relived my aggravation, I freshened up, did my nightly routines and changed into my nightgown.

Stepping out of my closet, I got the fright of my life with Omar glaring hard at me from his position on my bed.

I sighed. "You scared me. What are you doing in my room?" I asked, moving to my dressing table to pick a hairband, acting as if he doesn't intimidate me at all.

He freaking does.

He intimidates me.

"Who were you talking to at the event earlier?" He asked as I tied my hair into a bun and I could hear that he was no longer seated.

I was trying my best to regulate my breathing to show him how unaffected I was by his presence.

"I thought we were done with that conver-." The rest of what I was about to say died in my throat when I turned from the dressing table and found myself caged between it and Omar.

He bent forward, his face was now mere inches from mine, staring dead into my eyes with his hands placed on the table at my sides while I moved back to put as much distance as I could between us.

It was futile.

I was trapped.

What did you get me into, Fauziya?!

"Oh, we are definitely not done with the conversation. Not until you tell me who the fuck you were laughing with. Or I could find out myself, and make sure he pays for messing around with the crown princess?" He cocked his head to the side, still staring at me and I vehemently refused to give him the answer nor the reaction he was looking for.

Inside? I was boiling. Fuming with rage.

Is he threatening me?

I smiled. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you, your Highness. Not unless you wanna find out something you don't want to know."

Okay, now I'm pushing it a little too much.

But what can I do? I couldn't take it anymore as well so why should I be the only one getting frustrated.

"Damn it!" He hit the table beside me with so much force, I flinched from the impact afraid he might fracture his hand.

He let his head hang between the two of us for minutes, his breathing ragged and I just stood still observing him.

How I wish I could run my finger through his hair and calm him down. But he needs to learn a lesson here and I need to be the one to teach him.

"Stop playing games with me Khair." He whispered, still not looking up at me.

"It's not nice, huh? When someone plays with your feelings without considering it at all?" I asked him.

Slowly, he raised his head and looked me in the eye. I smiled at him.

"The mixed feelings and the rage you felt just because you saw me with another guy earlier, that's called Jealousy, Omar. That's what you feel when you see someone you love-or at least like- with someone other than you. But you wouldn't know that now, would you? You don't know anything about feelings, only obsession and that's why you don't care about considering other people's feelings. But I'm not going to let you step over me like that, so I don't care if you're jealous or angry or frustrated about what I do and who I talk to. You don't have that reason yet to say and act the part of the 'protective' and 'possessive' husband until you learn to consider my feelings and everyone else's around you." I exhaled, looking away from his eyes as I felt as if a burden was being lifted off my shoulder.


"I've said what I want to say. So please save your snarky remark for another day because I'm drained. Now leave my room." I told him.

"You really want me to leave?" He asked. I nod my head and I felt his hands slipping off of the dressing table.

"Yes, please."


I looked up at him with a frustrated sigh, "Yes, Yes, Yes. How many times do you need me to tell you to le-."

The rest of my words became muffled when his warm mouth came down on mine.

It lasted for a few seconds until I pulled back because I badly wanted him to learn his lesson first.

Yet I badly wanted to pull him back for another.

He didn't say a word afterwards and left the room silently. The moment the door closed, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I climbed atop my bed and draped my comforter even though I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep.

Oh please, Ya Allah. Make him think over what I said.

I don't even want to think about the possibility of letting him go because he wouldn't change. I sniffed, feeling the liquid dripping down my cheeks from my eyes.

Ya Allah..

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