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A whole freaking week and Khair barely talks to me. Only when it's necessary.

Yet she does all her duties and responsibilities. Even come with me to visit my parents and act all loving in front of them.

No, she's wasn't cold to me.

No glaring.

No nasty comments.

Not even silent treatment.

She's just.... I don't even know.

I even asked her the previous day if I did something wrong but she shook her head saying I did nothing.

I have been trying every thing I could possibly do to make her say she forgives me but no... she's stubborn as hell.

What is wrong with her?

I thought we've resolved all our issues already.

"Good morning." I heard Khair's voice chirped as she joined me in the dining room for breakfast.

"Morning." I grumbled while she served herself some food.

"Fauziya called me just now and she's inviting us to a charity event at Azeez's company tonight. 8pm. Said to wear black. We going?" She asked, taking a sip of the her orange juice.

"Ofcourse we are. Be ready by 7." I replied and she hummed a response.

And that was it. She didn't say a single word after that throughout breakfast.

When she made her way to the stairs, I gripped her hand and pulled her back.

"Need anything?" She asked and I sighed frustratingly.

"Yes. I need you to tell me what's wrong?" I asked her and she raised her eyebrow in confusion before shrugging.

"Nothing at all. Everything's great actually. We aren't quarreling or glaring at each anymore, so that's progress right?" She beamed and I just looked at her amazed.

"Did you by any chance hit your head on something?" I asked, concerned about her mental health.

"I'm perfectly fine. I need to look for an appropriate dress to wear so, bye." She wiggled her hand out of my grip and walked up the stair while I stood rather looking at the stairs, dumbfounded.

She's giving me a headache.


It was few minutes to 7pm and I was standing by Khair's door, contemplating whether to let her come downstairs on her own or knock and inform her that I'm waiting for her.

I finally decided to knock when the door opened, so I brought my hands back to my side and cleared my throat. I checked her out and....


I don't think black has ever looked so good as it did that moment.

Wait a minute...

What am I saying?

"Shall we?" She asked and I nodded, not able to form coherent words.

Before I could lend her my hand to hold, she was already past me and descending the stairs. I sighed and followed suit.

The convoy and bodyguards were already parked right outside so the moment we walked out of the room, the chauffeur was holding the door open to the limousine for us and I let Khair get in first before I also got in.

The ride to the ECC, Azeez's company was filled with silence as Khair typed away on her phone, chuckling from time to time.

The urge to ask who she was talking to was so much so that I couldn't hold it in when she laughed one more time.

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