Episode 1: Villains aren't the born, they're made

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After afew days after his parents murder, he was forced to be homeless due to not being able to paying bills, making leave home where his family corpses still remained. He tried going to the police and ask for help about his family murder first ofcource, but they simply laughed, thinking that it was some kind of joke, which was messed up to say since what kind of child would joke like that.

He walks around the streets soon after, waiting for someone to help him. His clothes was dirty and wrinkled, his shoes were torn, showing some of his toes, he looked skinnier and paler as ever from not eating in a while, In all honestly...he looked like a homeless boy. Something strange about him is that he manage to grow out two large wings from his back aswel as metallic spines going down his back and a tail that teared threw his shirt and pants, making him resemble a pale, skinny dragon And how did people react to this? Well simple...they didn't.

People who saw Y/N just turned there eyes away and kept walking, not refusing to talk to him and even did there best to avoid eye contact when they see him coming. And even when people actually talk to him, they leave without a minute passing, saying to him that a hero would help him...speaking of.

Y/N: huh? (Y/N looked up while he was sitting on the ground, resting his back on the hard wall to see his favourite pro, walking down the street along with another pro nearby)

Y/N smiled in happiness, seeing his favourite pro once again and thought that maybe his idol could help him with his problem. He got up, his legs shook abit from still not eating as he weakly walked up to his hero, trying to catch up with the pro before he lost his idol from moving too slow.

He walked up to the pro, grabbing the hero by the hand to catch there attention, which he manage to do as the pro stopped and turned to him as the other hero turned to boy aswell when that hero notice his hero friend as stopped.

Y/N: excuse me...can you help me. I lost my home and family and have no where else to go...(Y/N asked, showing his pale, crusty smile, which creep the two pros out)

The heroes just stared at the boy, already disgusted at his appearance as they let out a small "eww" after seeing the boys face. The pro recognise his face from when he had signed his autograph and noticed how much he had changed as he felt the other pro poke his shoulder.

Pro hero: hey you wanna just leave? We have other bigger crimes to deal with and this kid is just wasting our time (The pro asked as the other nodded)

Pro hero 2: hmmm I guess so, but wouldn't we get busted for not helping a kid, I mean our reputations are on the line here.

Pro hero: come on, theres no one looking, this kid is ugly as heck I don't want him near us, let's just go, helping this kid won't benefit us.

Pro hero 2: hmmm I guess your right, I mean theres no other people here so they can't see us help him, this kid won't help our career one bit...let's just go (the pro said, he removed his hand away from Y/N as they walked away, leaving a shocked Y/N alone)

Y/N heard what they say and he was shocked. His idol had just left him only because he couldn't make him more famous. He felt betrayed at what he heard and now this was the lesson he will remember forever...heroes...are not always selfless. And he learned that the hard way.

His few of heroes had now changed, now seeing the truth of society at the fact heroes became heroes for the money and fame. Villains and heroes had now hurt Y/N, none of them are different then each other to the boy and now he was forced to be homeless for a few more days.

Now this...this is the pushes that led him to it...this was enough to make a boy became the monster he became. Loosing his family, being forced to Leave home, people ignoring him, not getting any help, being homeless, his idol crushed him, it all hurted him deeply and it was the cause of becaming a power villain. Thinking about it now, most villains are like this due to the lack of villains and alot of trauma they get. And people wonder why villains exist...people really are the worst.

I'm Gonna Kill Them All...(Male Villain Reader x My Hero Academia)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu