C6. Names

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Freya's pov:

"Today couldn't get any better.." I say to myself, I woke up a few minutes before I'm supposed to, so I thought about my encounter I had last night with subject 111, also known as 'Void' . I got up and went to brush my teeth and hair, then I ate some grapes for breakfast before my alarm went off.
"I'm ready! Come take me or whatever." I yelled out, a scientist came in and walked me back to room 110.

"Don't you remember what happened last time when 110 and 111 escaped?!" I murmured to the scientist before being thrown back into the room. I got up and saw Ashley again being comforted by a green girl.
'Wait. I remember! This is subject 109!  I think those two are friends.'
I walked over and saw more bruises that Ashley had, she sniffled while 109 comforted her.

"I hate my parents so fucking much..  They sold me..  SOLD ME!  I could've had a happy life if it weren't for my brother being the favorite..  He blamed me for everything!"  Ashley vented to her friend and me, I hugged her.
"I don't want my name to be Ashley..  I want to be called Snowy..  Ashley is a misfit kid who can't comprehend what the world has came to."  Snowy yells.
"There's the daredevil I wanted to see, how are you doing Snowy?"  I say, she looks up at me and tries to smile under her tears of distress.

"Oh, my name is Greenery, what's yours?"  109 asked me, I looked at the green haired girl;
"I'm Freya, subject 95, nice to meet you."  I say, as on cue, I hear more alarms go off.
"Come on!  We're having a moment here!"  I yelled out, Snowy giggled at the remark.
"I swear, everyday is just a new day for loud alarms to go off here.."  Greenery grumbled, I nodded my head in agreement.

"My room has more space to hang out at, let's head there."  I say, grabbing both Snowy and Greenery's hands.
"Alright, let's head."  Greenery replies before chucking at what face Snowy was making to cheer them up.
"It's 111 again!  Get down!  Get down!"  A male scientist screamed.
"Boohoo, I went there and 111 was bored as hell!  She spared me so she wouldn't be bored."  I proudly yell out.
"That's surprising.  111 loves chaos, I mean, she'll destroy anything in her path for a way to victory."  Snowy points out.

"Yeah that is weird though, not sure why they spared you."  Greenery replies, I shrugged before I opened the door to my cell.
"Woah!  This bedroom is huge!"  Snowy says, while looking around, Greenery looks around stunned a bit as well.
"I didn't know subjects had worded rooms depending on the danger level, I'm a very safe entity."  I say, scratching the back of my head.
An alarm blares and the room is red.
'Subject 95 must stay in containment.  Subject 111 is after 95.  Please contain subject 95 as soon as possible.'

"What the hell?!"  I yelled out.
"This is getting scary.."  Greenery whispers, Snowy nods in agreement.
"Go hide out in the bathroom, my walk in closet has some food and space for you both.  Quickly!  Go hide!"  I explain to them before running to my bed and hiding under it.
I could hear muffled screams and yelps of agony.  I heard a scientist say  'Subject 95 it's secured in their room, their hiding as well.'
More screams were heard in return of the sentence I heard, the screams got closer and closer, I was scared myself.

"Why did 111 break out to hunt me down or something..?"  I murmured to myself very quietly.
"Maybe because I need food..  I am a carnivore after all."  I voice beside me said.
"Maybe.  . . . Wait a second-" I realized.
"Gotcha."  Void yelled out, they dragged me out from under the bed.
"What the hell Void!-"  I yelled out before they made a bandana out of goo and tied it around my head.
"You're very squirmy for being a 16 year old."  Void chuckled, before throwing me onto my bed.  I slapped her on the face, or tried to, they grabbed my hands and held them both down.
I grumbled while looking away.

"Given up, huh?  Oh well."  Void seemed to get bored while tying my hands behind my back.
"I know your friends are in your closet, I won't touch or mess with them if that's what your worried about."  Void calmly said, while running her hand through my ruffled hair and undid any knots she came upon.  I grumbled once more in response
"You're room is very nice, I used to have a room like this, before the goo took over my room, I didn't mind though."  Void gently explained before sighing.

"My time is up, I'll talk to you later."  Void reluctantly said, she walked over to the door.
"Goodbye sweets."  She said, before sinking into the ground.
'Goodbye..?'  I thought.
"Are you ok?!  We heard everything!"  Greenery ran over and undid my the bandana as Snowy explained.
"..Yeah..  It's just weird why they did that."  I said, Greenery finished untying my hands as well.
"Thanks.  Want to stay here for the night?"  I asked the two, the nodded their heads eagerly.  We finished off the night by watching movies in my tv.

YIPPEE!!!  A new chapter has arrived!  Hope you enjoy this book so far, it might be a few days before the next chapter, but hopefully it comes soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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