{4} Teens Day Out

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  After a sad attempt at fighting Natasha, Peter, and Kimaya went back to their rooms to get ready for the day. The two went back down to the common floor kitchen and had breakfast while they planned their day. Upon their decision, they ran back to their rooms again. Grabbing her bag and a camera, Kimmy met up with Peter at the garage.

"What car do we take?" Peter asked, looking around at all of Tony's fancy cars. "The Mercedes." She replied, grabbing the keys off the wall rack and tossing them to Peter who caught them easily. The night before, while they were still unsure of what to do in the lab, Kim and Peter worked more on his sign and he was learning very fast. His sign was still messy but he could understand a solid amount now, enough to translate if he needed to.

Peter got in the driver's seat since Maya didn't have her license yet and handed the girl the aux.

(search (TAatI) Kimaya's Playlist on Spotify for her music.)

"This is by Wallows, right? Scrawny?" Peter asked as the music started playing. Yaya nodded and used her phone's Google translate to talk so Peter didn't have to read her hands. "Yeah, it is. The lyrics kinda remind me of you. Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle? Pretty damn accurate if you ask me." The robotic voice spoke aloud. The male chuckled at her comment, nodding along to the music as the two pulled out of the parking garage and onto the New York City streets.

"So... you think I'm cute?" Peter smirked, glancing over at the Indian girl. "What? What do you mean?" Her face flushed. "The lyrics, you said they remind you of me. You think I'm cute, Kiki?" He teased. "Shut up, Peter. That's not what I meant." "No, no, you can't take that back! You think I'm cute." Yaya had no response, all she did was laugh. Witty banter continued between the two until they got out of Manhattan and onto the outskirts of the city.

"Okay, here, take my phone and pull up the GPS." Peter passed his unlocked phone over to the girl beside him. "Put in Ikea near me and let me know what comes up." Kim did as he asked and found that the nearest one away from the city was only an hour and a half away. "There's one in Queens and another in Brooklyn, but we wanna get out of the city. So the next would be in Paramus, New Jersey. Sound good?" She told him. After a moment of internal debate, Peter agreed and Kimaya set up the GPS on the car's computer screen.

"Maya, your playlist is a chaotic disaster. I mean, it just switched from Doja Cat's Boss Bitch to Leanna Firestone's Strawberry Mentos." The driver half-whined. Kimmy shrugged. "Still good music, I don't get why you're complaining." Peter rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Hey, what is your favorite candy?" "Why do you ask?" She gave a small head tilt. "Dunno, guess the song made me think of it." Kim hummed. "Well, my favorite candy is pretty much anything peppermint." The boy chuckled at the irony. "That's funny 'cause I'm actually severely allergic to peppermint."

After a while, the two finally reached the Ikea and Peter pulled into a parking spot. "Are you ready, Kiki?" He asked, looking over to the black-haired girl. Earning a nod, the two got out of the car, Kim grabbing her purse, before locking the car and beginning to walk towards the store.

As they entered, they took a moment to think. "What are we doing here again?" Kimaya wondered, turning to her counterpart to see if he knew. News flash: he was just as clueless. "To be honest, I don't know. I guess we just wander?" He offered. "Sounds good to me."

•Peter Parker's POV•

I watched as she walked a few feet ahead of me. Her long black hair, tucked back with a headband, had been straightened this morning and was swaying behind her as she walked. Bellbottom suit pants match her blazer which is over top of a black turtleneck shirt; black heeled ankle boots on her feet and her purse hanging on her shoulder with her camera around her neck. Her face was flawless and perfectly framed by her bangs. It's a timeless look, elegant and sophisticated yet still casual and youthful, and she wore it perfectly.

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