The Simple Choice

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Once they arrive at the party it's many hugs and handshakes. Everyone is very happy to see them and she gets whisked away by a few girls with pacifiers and pigtails. He sets their bags down and grabs a soda from the fridge, going to catch up with a friend. He makes sure that wherever he is he has a view of his little girl.

She is currently playing Barbies with 3 other little girls, and he smirks as he starts to relax and enjoy the company of like-minded Daddies.

As the afternoon crawls along into evening, he frequently checks on her.

"Ladies, you seem to be done with the Barbie dolls but remember, we can't play more games with messes all over, what if someone trips or steps on your dolls?"

Her face turns bright red as her Daddy just chastised her and her friends. He sees this in her and slips a pacifier out of his pocket, clips it to her shirt, and holds it at her pursed lips, waiting for her to draw it in.

"There's Daddy's good girl." he whispers in her ear as he holds it in front of her lips, waiting patiently. "Open for your paci or open for your spider gag, it's your choice sweetheart." Bright red, she accepts the paci, thoughts flashing to how embarrassing it could be to have to wear her spider gag in front of all her friends.

All the little ladies clean up their dolls and move on to coloring in front of the TV while the daddies move to the barbecue right outside the sliding door. She was coloring on her belly, her short skirt exposing her panties just a little. Coloring kept her very focused and as always, the more she concentrated, the less aware she became. Her pacifier slipped from her mouth as she colored and her Daddy was always there to slip it back in, reminding her without words that he was in control.

"How are you doing sweetheart? I brought you this water, it's pretty toasty in here. Drink this all up for me, okay?" she nodded and spit the pacifier out, taking the bottle of water and downing it in three gulps.

"More please Daddy." he smiles and gives her the bottle he had reserved for himself. She smiled as she sipped it and went back to coloring, the bottle of water by her side.

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