"Nashi," her mother said, tenderly brushing a strand of pink hair away from her face, "It was never your fault. If anyone is to blame..." Her voice trailed off, weighed down by sorrow. Nashi was taken aback by this revelation. She had always assumed that her father had left them, as her mother seldom spoke about him or her own past. Looking into her mother's eyes, Nashi hoped for a clearer explanation. A sad smile formed on Lucy's face.

"I suppose you're old enough to understand," she said, fidgeting with the glove on her right hand. "Do you remember the book I wrote, Seeking the Clock?"

Nashi affirmed her recollection of her mother being a renowned author. Often, her mother would share the final drafts of her books with Nashi, relishing the opportunity to boast about being the first person to read them. "Seeking the Clock" was Lucy's debut novel, and although the names and places were altered, Nashi had been told that it drew inspiration from her mother's own life. Nashi found it difficult to believe, considering that in the story, Lucy was portrayed as a wizard—a notion she found implausible for her mother.

"Do you remember when I mentioned that it was based on something that happened in my life?" Nashi nodded once again. Lucy turned her gaze toward the window, a faint smile appearing on her lips. "Well, your father was there too."

Nashi's eyes widened with the revelation, and then a memory from the story resurfaced. "Was he the one who caught you when you fell from the sky?" she asked, hoping her guess was correct. Nashi felt a sense of accomplishment when her mother nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, he was. Your father did so much for me over the years. In fact, he was the one who introduced me to all those friends I've told you about." Nashi recollected the descriptions her mother had shared about her comrades: the man with a penchant for stripping, the intimidating redhead, the flying blue cat—stories about people who had cared deeply for her mother. Hearing these tales brought joy to Nashi's heart, even if the idea of her mother being a wizard seemed far-fetched. It comforted her to know that her mother had a network of people who loved and supported her.

"I can understand why you loved him, considering all he gave you," Nashi said, offering a gentle smile to Lucy. She continued to gaze out the window, cherishing the memories of the adventures she had with her nakama.

Although Lucy had mentioned her past as a wizard to her daughter numerous times, she had never demonstrated her magical abilities. She had relinquished that life long ago when she left Nashi's father behind. Thinking of him caused a pang in her heart. Even after nine years, she still loved him wholeheartedly.

"What happened to him?" Nashi inquired.

The blonde-haired woman allowed her mind to wander back to the day she lost him. It was always a painful memory, which was why she had shielded Nashi from it. However, she knew that one day her daughter would find out, so why not now?

"I loved your father," she began, her voice tinged with sorrow, "I wanted to tell him so many times, but I never did." She paused, finding it too heartbreaking to continue, but since she had already started, she decided to press on. "And then one day, someone else confessed their love before I had the chance."

Unshed tears welled up in her eyes. "I wanted him to be happy, so I left, allowing him to find that happiness with her."

The memory of that day remained vivid in the mind of the blonde woman. She had lost the man she loved to someone else, never having the opportunity to express her feelings directly to him. Instead, she had resorted to writing a letter, pouring out her unspoken emotions, but it wasn't the same as speaking to him face-to-face. Consumed by her own cowardice, she had fled from her home, her loved ones, and most painfully, from him. To make matters worse, her own daughter had grown up without a father, and he didn't even know of her existence—all because she had been too afraid. Lucy tightened her grip on the white glove on her hand, almost fearing that the fabric would tear.

Suddenly, she felt her daughter's body collide with her side, embracing her as tightly as her eight-year-old arms could manage. Lucy sensed wetness trickling down her arm where Nashi's head rested. It didn't take long for her to realize that her daughter was crying.

"I don't blame you, Mommy! So don't blame yourself!" Nashi's words resonated in Lucy's mind, causing her to sniffle slightly. Nashi pulled away to meet her mother's gaze directly.

"All you wanted was for Daddy to be happy. That's all you've ever done for people, to make them happy. So don't blame yourself. I could never hate you for taking me away from Daddy," Nashi said, brushing away some tears. Lucy could only stare into her daughter's large eyes, a surge of happiness welling up within her as Nashi clung tightly to her.

She thinks just like you, Natsu, Lucy thought, embracing Nashi warmly. How did I become so fortunate to have a daughter like her?

Lucy and Nashi held each other for a few minutes, basking in the love that enveloped them. When they finally pulled away, Lucy's attention was drawn to the clock on the wall of Nashi's bedroom.

Lucy stood up and handed Nashi the clothes she had forgotten she was holding. "Well, silly goose, it seems we still have time to get you ready for school. Hurry and get dressed, I'll quickly prepare your lunch." Nashi happily shook her head and hopped off the bed to remove her pajamas. Lucy walked back toward the door, granting her daughter some privacy. Upon reaching the doorway, Lucy glanced back to see Nashi on the floor, removing her socks. She couldn't help but giggle before calling out her daughter's name. Nashi looked up from her task to see her mother still in the doorway, wearing a loving smile.

"Pay no mind to what Haruto said. He would be envious if he knew who your father was." Although Nashi didn't fully comprehend the last part, she smiled and nodded nonetheless. Satisfied, Lucy finally left the room and closed her daughter's bedroom door. Leaning against the door, Lucy took a deep breath before heading to the kitchen to prepare Nashi's lunch.

You would be so proud of her, Natsu.

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