Season 1 Episode 6: Busted

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MR. HERRIMAN: No, no, no, Miss Frances. You are to towel-dry all the flatware so as to avoid unseemly spots.

[Frankie holds the silverware with her and walks out of the kitchen. Eduardo, Coco and Wilt are sitting on the table.]

MR. HERRIMAN: Oh, watch your spoon placement, Miss Frances. A yogurt spoon is quite different than a cereal spoon. [shows her a sign] Remember, "Utensils are essential."

[Frankie rolls her eyes.]

MR. HERRIMAN: Ah, that's what I like to see, rules being properly followed and executed. Ah, yes. [Eduardo, Coco and Wilt are chewing on cereals. Another sign is shown] "Chew, chew, chew. It's good for you." Very good, Master Paul, Miss Kate, Master Wilt, Master Eduardo, Miss Coco, Master Bl-- [Bloo and Junior are not in their seats] Where is Master Blooregard and Master Junior? [Eduardo, Paul, Kate, Wilt, and Coco look at each other] No, no, no. Don't speak. I know your mouths are full and you do not wish to break the rule of "No talking while eating", but Master Blooregard and Master Junior knows full well that breakfast is only served until 9 AM on the dot. And it is now precisely 8:43 AM. Where is--

[The scene changes to Bloo and Junior's room when Mr. Herriman walks in.]

MR. HERRIMAN: --Master Blooregard and Master Junior?!

BLOO & JUNIOR: [waking up] What?

MR. HERRIMAN: You are almost late for breakfast.


MR. HERRIMAN: Get up and get dressed.

[Bloo and Junior gets out of bed.]


BLOO: Done. [his stomach starts grumbling] Oh, man, I really gotta--

MR. HERRIMAN: Master Blooregard! Master Junior!

BLOO: Sorry, Mr. H, but I ain't got time to chitchat. I really got to--

MR. HERRIMAN: Make your bed.


[Bloo and Junior stops and looks at their bottom bunk, all messed up.]

BLOO: Well, yeah. That's all well and good. I was gonna after I--

MR. HERRIMAN: No "gonna after." [points to his room] Now.

[Bloo and Junior moans, goes back in his bedroom and fixes their bed.]

MR. HERRIMAN: Fold and tuck, Master Blooregard and Master Junior. Fold and tuck. [the bed is now fixed] Very good.

[Bloo sighs, then his stomach growls again and runs in the hall.]

BLOO: Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go.

[He bumps into Mr. Herriman with Junior standing beside Mr. Herriman.]

MR. HERRIMAN: Master Blooregard?

BLOO: What?!

[There was a smelly breath from Bloo that Mr. Herriman and Junior smelled from their nose.]

MR. HERRIMAN: [waves his hand in the air] Uh, I was going to say no running in the halls, but for the sake of all that is decent-

JUNIOR: Geez, Bloo, please brush your teeth.

BLOO: [talks while his breath comes out of his mouth] What? Why, can't it wait?

MR. HERRIMAN & JUNIOR: [coughing] No.

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