Welcome to Foster's Part 2

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BLOO: Mac?

MAC: Yeah, Bloo?

BLOO: Remember when your jerky brother Terrance completely trashed your apartment?

MAC: Yeah, mom and Luna's mom was pretty mad.

JUNIOR: I'll say! Her and Luna's mom said you couldn't keep us anymore! But then me, Dad, Mom, and Bloo found that cool house that takes in imaginary friends like us!

MAC: Yeah, and we met Mr. Herriman.

BLOO: And Frankie.

MAC: And Wilt, Coco, and Eduardo. *screams* Ugh! And Duchess!

KATE: And then we got an awesome tour of the house!

LUNA: And it was the perfect place for you guys to stay!

BLOO: Until we found out that if I stayed there, we wouldn't be yours anymore and we would be put up for adoption just like all the other imaginary friends. And if we got adopted, we would never see you two again!

MAC: Yeah.

JUNIOR: And then you two left!

LUNA: We said we'd be back for you!

PAUL: Yeah? Well, you better, Princess.

[We see Terrence in the dark, waiting for Mac to get home. The door opens.]

TERRENCE: You are so busted. Coming home late, trying to get me in trouble? Well, your little plan didn't work. Mom's not home yet. [each time he calls Mac 'stupid', he gives Mac a good whack on the back of his head, only for Mac to ignore him as they headed for his room] Where were you anyway? Stupid. What're those stupid eggs? Stupid. Where's that stupid little friend of yours? Stupid. Mom told you to get rid of him. Ohh boy, if you didn't, you're gonna be sooo bus--

MAC: [furiously snaps] I was nowhere, they're nothing and I took care of it! HAPPY??!?!

[Terrence looks puzzled by Mac's response while Mac was in his dark room, he stomped his way over to his closet to put the Coco-eggs down somewhere safe, and then he stomped over to his bunk of the bed while yanking the covers over him. And Mac couldn't help but take a sorrowful glance at the single picture of Bloo.]

*At Luna's Apartment*

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*At Luna's Apartment*

[We see Nicole in the dark, waiting for Luna to get home. The door opens.]

NICOLE: Oh, there you are. Moms not home yet. [Nicole start asking questions, only for Luna to ignore her as they headed for her room] Where were you anyway? What're those eggs? Where's Junior, Paul and Kate? I heard Mom told you to get rid of him.

LUNA: [furiously snaps] I was nowhere, they're nothing and I took care of it! HAPPY??!?!

[Nicole looks puzzled by Luna's response while Luna was in her dark room, she stomped her way over to her closet to put the Coco-eggs down somewhere safe, and then she stomped over to her bottem bunk of the bed while yanking the covers over her. And Luna couldn't help but take a sorrowful glance at the single picture of Junior hugging her.]

Adventures at Foster's Home for Imaginary FriendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora