Reito: Oh you've got to be shittin' me.

A group of people was walking toward him. He saw two, in particular, he didn't want to see.

Motoyasu: That damn Shield Hero. He won't get away with what he's done.

Myne: You're so brave, Sir Motoyasu!

They said while looking at each other. 

Reito: (He knows about the Shield Hero. I could ask him, but I doubt he'd give me the information I want.)

He taps Ahri's hand as a sign.

Reito: Let's head for the city. They don't seem to notice-

Myne: Criminal!

Reito: I retract my statement. Stay behind me.

Ahri: I can stand up for myself. 

Both Motoyasu and Reito stood a few inches away. Starring as if it was a UFC faceoff. 

Reito: Been a while.

Motoyasu: Last time we met, we agreed that we'd fight.

Reito: I remember that.

Myne: Surround him and the demi-human!

Their party members equipped their weapons and circled both of them. Ahri clung to Reito as she stood behind him.

Reito: Are we going to do this again after what happened last time?

Motoyasu: What are you doing here?

Reito: I thought it was obvious. I'm getting ready to fight the wave.

This left Motoyasu and Myne confused. Myne ordered the party members to step back and withdraw.

Motoyasu: You're fighting the wave, too?

Reito: Duh! Why do you think I have my weapons? There's more to this than you think. I think having our dual before the wave hits would be a major problem. We can have our dual when it's over. That I promise you.

Myne: And why would we let you get away? You got lucky the last time from being in public!

Reito: I know my position. I'm not in the wrong and neither is she. We're just two friends trying to survive in this accursed world. The only ones in the wrong here are you and your pet of a hero.

Motoyasu: Hey!

Reito: Your knights started the beef without me giving me a chance. I'm going to defend myself and those I care for. I don't give a damn about who you are!

Myne: How dare you! I'm Princess Myne of Melromarc! I'll have your head for that!

Motoyasu: Enough!

Myne: What? But sir Motoyasu...

Motoyasu: We can get revenge on him anytime we want. The wave will be arriving soon. We don't need to waste our precious time with someone who's not a Cardinal Hero.

Reito: (If only he knew. That time will come soon enough.)

Myne: Very well. You got lucky yet again! But don't think we'll forget this.

Motoyasu: When this wave's over, will fight on sight. Be ready.

Reito: I'm ready now. But, you're right, the wave's nearly here. That's something we can both agree on. Let's go, Ahri!

Ahri: O-of course!

He bumps Motoyasu's shoulder as he walks passed him.

Motoyasu: Just don't get in our way.

The Samurai: Rising of The Shield Hero X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now