Varian's King lessons

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Hey everyone Violet and Leyna here so excited to do the first chapter of the mini book this is Varian first ever time living in a human castle with that enjoy.😎

Varian POV:

I was sleeping in my bed with my beautiful wife we were sleeping very peacefully until. I heard my father-in-law barge in our room and opened the blinds. King Minus said "Good morning Varian the merman." I said "Minus why are you here it's 6:48 in the morning." King Minus said "Well you need to be up bright and early for your King lessons." I said "My what." King Minus said "Cause today I'm talking you underneath my wing to teach you how to become king of Lunos." I said "Okay but Minus your not a seagull you don't have wings." King Minus said "Now let's get you dress." Adrianna said "Daddy please I'm trying to sleep." King minus said "Sorry Adrianna." So I kiss my wife and I got dress in my king suit and then I see my crown so I decided to try it on for the first time. When I put it on I thought I look silly in it but Adrianna said *Kiss my cheek* "Chu you look handsome in your crown." I blush then followed King Minus down the hallway then King Minus said "Now Varian I know your a merman Prince from the ocean which I didn't think my daughter would fall in love with a merman but anyway now your married to my daughter you need some king lessons did your father ever teach you lessons." I said "No sir because I'm not the oldest." King Minus said "Do you have any siblings." I said "Yes I have 2 mermaid sisters." King Minus said "Than I'm going to teach you everything I know about being a King because your now King of Lunos." I said "Okay." King Minus said "Varian does your underwater kingdom have a name because you never talk about your home in the ocean." I said "Oceana." King Minus said "That's an interesting name for a underwater kingdom."

So I been learning a lot from King Minus until I see these hairballs mixed with vomit in the palace hallway floor and I saw  Ruddiger run over to me and climb up my shoulder and talk to me Ruddiger said "Varian can you get the palace doctor there something wrong with Ruby." I said "On it please excuse me King Minus." I ran to grab Adrianna and we went to go to get the palace doctor. Once we did we were in the room Ruby was in and we saw Ruby cat vomiting hairballs Adrianna said "Ruby my poor girl." We noticed Ruby has been sleeping a lot, eating a lot, gaining weight, change in nipple appearance, swollen abdomen, vomiting and nesting behaviour. The doctor said "She going to be fine she developing the symptoms of pregnancy." Adrianna and I said "What." The doctor said "Ruby is pregnant with one baby kitten." Ruddiger was shocked and so were we Adrianna said "Ruby is pregnant." So Adrianna said "Ruby going to be a mother." And I said "Ruddiger going to be a father." I hug Ruddiger and gave him a congratulations while Adrianna did the same to Ruby.

Adrianna POV:

I wasn't feeling good so I went to the bathroom to throw up and I knew I was pregnant but how to tell Varian when I did Varian said "Darling are you okay." I said "I'm fine Varian probably just feeling sick." Varian said "Okay do you need anything." I said "No I think I'm good." Varian said "Your one amazing strong but did I mention I'm in love with you." I said "Yeah." Then he left and I sat there wondering what to say.

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