New Friends Team 12

Start from the beginning

Their sensei smiled at the little swordsman. "That won't make you survive as Genin. Prove to me that you deserve to be here."

Kaito looked at his team and smiled. Tenzin and Yakumo grinned and nodded in return. "We're ready!"

Three hours later they were in persuit of their sensei. The game was simple. Track down and detain their sensei. How they were going to defeat him in combat was the main question. The plan was simple use Yakumo's genjutsu while Tenzin and Kaito moved in close to intercept.

Finally they caught up. On top of a water tower their sensei was relaxing waiting for them. Tenzin moved in first. Throwing two Kunai at the older ninja. Genma responded in kind. Shooting the senbon out of his mouth. The senbon deflect one Kunai sending it into the second.

Tenzin and Kaito landed across from the man. Kaito drew his katana watching as Genma pulled out two Kunai. Looking at Tenzin who also pulled out two Kunai and fell into a defensive position.

Looking past Kaito saw Yakumo on another roof top. Smiling he looked at Tenzin and smiled. Nodding the other boy knew what his plan was. Both boys pushed off the ground moving in together.

As they were almost to the man the entire battlefeild changed. Suddenly they were surrounded by trees and grass. Vines shot out from the ground and attacked Genma. He had heard of the powerful Genjutsu that the Kurama clan held but this was incredible.

Kaito watched as Genma seamlessly dispatched the vines. Thinking they had the jump on the Jonin though they continued their advance.

Tenzin reached Genma first. Attacking in quick succession with both his kunai. Genma though barely broke a sweat. Blocking and dodging . Kaito jumped behind Genma attacking with his katana. Gea spun kicking Tenzin away and focusing on Kaito.

Kaito in a straight up sword fight was pushing back the Jonin. Slashing up he hit the man's chest. Or so he thought. In a poof of smoke the Jonin was replaced by a log. Kaito jumped back barely avoiding the senbon and kunai that hit the dirt he was at.

Looking over he saw Genma smiled at him and wink. Making a hand seal, "Release!" The genjutsu broke. Suddenly Kaito was in the air away from the tower. A Shadow clone of Gemma's appeared in front of him kicking Kaito in the stomach sending him soaring the the roof top below.

Pushing himself off the ground he looked up to see Yakumo and Tenzin tied up. Genma grinned and jumped down. "I'm impressed but it's over now."

Kaito shook his head, "NOT YET!" Kaito picked his sword up and got into a fighting stance. Genma jumped towards his new pupil.

Kaito smiled jumping up at him. "Secret Sword Moonlight!"

Genma realized to late what the little Gekkō was doing. Kaito moved at an incredible speed. Not quite as fast as his older brother or Yūgao. Slashing down his chest Kaito spun in the air. Kaito used the momentum to push off and Genma landing up on the tower by his team. Cutting their binds they all prepared to fight their Sensei.

Genma appeared suddenly behind them using body flicker. Kaito froze, how was this man so much faster then them. "Good job kiddo's. You passed!"

Yakumo broke out of the shock first, "Wait really?!"

Genma chuckled, "Of course!" Leaning back he put his hands in his pocket. "The test was to see if you could perform as a team. When I saw that I wanted to see if you'd sacrifice yourself to protect it."

Kaito put his sword away and looked at his two friends. "Kaito. You engaged a stronger opponent to protect your team. Yakumo you took advantage of a distraction and gave them an opening they couldn't otherwise have. Tenzin I assume the strategy was yours?" Tenzin nodded.

Genma grinned, "Welcome officially to team twelve guys. Now go celebrate and enjoy your day okay."

Hayate watched as his little brother and team left the roof top. Jumping down he landed by Genma. "They passed, but how did they do?"

Kakashi landed on the other side of Genma to listen. "They did great. They have a lot of potential and are very specialized in their respective feild"

Looking down Kakashi saw the blood seeping from Genma's chest. " Looks like a Hayate's brother got you  pretty good."

Genma sighed, "In a straight up fight Kaito is incredible. He needs to not face things so head on and think like a Shinobi though. If he wanted to kill me with that attack he could have."

Hayate laughed, "He is skilled but he doesn't have the power potential of your brats Kakashi."

"Team 7 will do there test tomorrow. I am sure they will pass. I was under the impression Naruto and Sasuke hated each other but they seem to get along."  Kakashi leaned back against the water tower.

"The Genin this year have a lot of potential." Hayate spoke but not particularly to anyone. His brother was skilled and fast. He'd become a strong ninja.

Kaito Gekkō: Konaha's Swordsman Where stories live. Discover now