The Death of a Monster Part 1: The Search

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When Mike woke the first thing he noticed was an incessant annoying beeping. For a second he thought that it was his alarm clock and he moved his hand to knock his clock away. Only that he couldn't move his arm. Mike was confused and he opened his heavy eyes, slowly. His body was numb and he could smell antiseptic. He was definitely not in his room. When he opened his eyes he was met with the view of a white ceiling and he panicked because he doesn't know where he was. The beeping become louder and faster. He heard some movement from beside him. "Mike?" a voice called his name. He couldn't tell who it was. He should know who is it. But his mind was too fuzzy to remember. "Mike. Calm down. You are safe. You are alright",t he person said as they run their fingers through his hair. The touch was comforting. "That's it. Relax. You are alright. You are safe", the voice cooed and Mike moved his head a little and he was met with the face of the person. 

"Will", he whispered and the person smiled. Though his smile died down when he saw Mike closing his eyes again. He heard him calling his name but he was already out before he could answer him.

That was the first time Mike woke up after two days of unconsciousness only to fall back unconscious seconds later. Will was the only one there when it happened. The others were home. Even the Losers. Eddie and Steve had to drag them out forcefully because they didn't want to leave. Of course, they were not happy that Will could stay, and them no. Actually, Will had been dragged as well by his mother. But he sneaked out and returned back to the hospital when his family was too busy to pay attention to him. He knew that he should feel guilty again. His poor mother would probably have a heart attack thinking that had been taken away. But he couldn't find himself caring at this moment. He wanted to be with Mike. He doesn't want for Mike to be alone. He wonder why Hopper or his mother hadn't stormed into the hospital to get him. Maybe his brother had figured out where he went and stopped them. He stayed there even when the visiting hours were over. The doctor who had come to check on Mike for the last time that night had seen Will there. And he was about to tell him to leave. But he had probably seen something in his eyes because he let him stay there and told the nurses to not kick him either. He will forever be grateful to the doctor for that. And for saving Mike's life of course.

After Mike fell back unconscious Will sighed and he sat back on the chair and he gripped back his hand. He had woken up a few more times this past few days and each day he stayed up more and more. From minutes to a couple of hours. He even woke up when the others were there too. All of them. Hopper had pulled out his badge to allow the hoard to stay with Mike during the visiting hours with the promise that they would behave. Oh yeah. The doctor still remembers about the shouting from that day. And he had been a little hesitant to let them. But in the end, he gave in.


"What do you mean IT got away?"Richie asked shocked. It had been a week since he woke up for the first time. He was finally feeling better and he was itching to get away from the hospital. He was taken away from the oxygen mask and heart monitor. The only thing that he was still attached to was the iv. He wanted to get out because he was tired of the horrible hospital food and the smell of antiseptic. The doctor said that he would be able to leave in a couple of days. Now the first thing that he asked after everyone walked into his room was about the fight with the clown.

"We ma-manged to c-corner h-him. B-But wh-when they w-walked in the room", Bill pointed to the Hakwains gang. "He t-turned in something they called V-Vecna"

"So we had to get them away before IT could harm them. So he got away" Mike said as he crossed his arms. He looked annoyed. All the Losers were annoyed still. No wonder he saw them shooting glares at the others. But they had the right to be.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he shouted at the Hawkins gang that turned into a coughing fit, Eddie K rubbed his back and gave him a glass of water. When the cough died down he continued speaking but calmer, but no less angry. "I told you to stay away from IT for a reason"

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