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After a few hours, I found an island that seemed looked abandoned. I flew in, leaving skid marks. As I slowed, I noticed some marines there.

"What the? I thought this place was abandoned." 

I stood behind some trees, waiting to see what the marines would do. I glanced at the thing they were in front of, which was a bunker-like entrance, and I quickly knocked them all out before turning to the gate.

"Mini star."

I quickly burnt through it before entering.


The marines stood screaming before I destroyed them with a mini supernova in the form of a grenade. When it exploded, I created a small barrier that blocked the explosion. I need to get a minor scale explosive. I continued on my path and-


I looked at the perpetrator, who turned out to be, what I assume to be, a marine captain.

"Tch, damn pirates think they can get away murdering my entire goddamn base! I think not-"

"OBJECTION! All I did was assimilate them with the void."

"... Fuck I can't fight that reasoning."

After that funny conversation, I swiftly set my fist into his gut.

"Spread the name of the star pirate... HOSHI!"

I flew away, leaving the astonished captain to make some calls.

??? POV:

"GURARARA! I might adopt him!" A man as tall as a giant rumbled

"Oyaji..." His underling deadpanned as he listened to his boss laugh loudly.

A bit short, but it's okay. He revealed his pirate name.

Light Up My Day (One Piece x Solo Levelling Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now