Chan had offered to take him home, noticing how hard Felix struggled to keep himself together, but he couldn't push it onto Felix when the younger said he was fine. No matter how close they were, chan had to trust that Felix would come to him if needed.

"Don't feel bad calling me late. I'm up with my insomnia remember?" Chan tried to make him laugh but all he got in return was a sad, tired smile. "See you tomorrow Lix" he whispered, watching as Felix walked to his own car before leaving.

It's late, your man's whore will be gone now.

"Why are you so mean? I can't blame someone I don't know, they might not even know..." Felix whispered, the drive home being quicker then he wanted as he finally pulled into the drive way, sitting for a few minutes as he noticed the lights on inside. "I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy" he whispered, grabbing his bag as he stepped out of the car, locking it behind him before approaching the front door.

Laughter, he could hear Jeongin and a voice so familiar it made his stomach churn.

His side bitch is eating at your dining table.

"Stop, please stop for at least now" felix begged silently before he opened the door and walked inside, kicking off his shoes and taking off his coat as he walked in. Returning the warm smile on his face as his vision slowly showed the two who plagued his mind lately.

"Hey baby! This is Seungmin, someone I work with, he came over for buisness" he introduced the two, Felixs eyes meeting the younger males soft ones. Felix had to admit, he was beautiful, he was taller, younger, and he dressed similarity to Jeongins own taste.

He knew Jeongin was taken.

Not now...

"Hi Seungmin, I'm Felix, Jeongins boyfriend" Felix smiled at the younger, taking his hand in his own as he walked to the table. "Dinner smells good Innie, what are you making?" He asked the younger, taking a seat as Jeongin gave him a soft smile.

"Chicken curry" he replied. "I invited Seungmin for dinner I hope you don't mind" he told the older.

"Not at all, he seems comfortable here, almost like it's his own home" Felix stated as he turned towards the younger. "Come sit Seungmin" he ushered him closer, the brunette following easily as he took a seat next to Felix at the table. "What work do you do particularly if I may ask?" He asked him gently, watching as Seungmin nodded.

"I work in marketing" he stated.

"Oh really? I assumed it must've been prostitution" Felix laughed lowly, tilting his head to the side as Seungmins smile fell, the sound of Jeongin dropping something in the background making Felixs lips tug wider. "I mean you came over for work reasons and yesterday I quite literally caught you and Jeongin in my bed" he shrugged his shoulders, turning to face Jeongin. "Dinner ready yet love?" He asked, watching as Jeongin rushed to take the empty seat on Felixs other side.

"F—Felix?" Jeongin asked him, taking felixs hand into his own.

"If I'm honest I have been crying an awful lot, and crying is not good for stress lines" Felix mentioned, gently massaging his temples.

"It was a mistake! We had too much to drink—"

"At two in the afternoon? I didn't know you had drinking issues on top of infidelity" felix laughed lightly. "Jeongin... it wasn't an accident, if it was in the slightest then why is he in my home, ready to eat my food? Hmm?" The blonde asked him.

"I should go—"

"Sit" Felix cut Seungmin off, making the brunette hesitantly sit back down again. "I'm usually a much better host, you must be starving Seungmin, Jeongin? Why haven't you dished a plate for your little boyfriend?" Felix asked him.

"Felix stop"

"Did you stop? Rather then you picking at me right now, which you truly don't deserve, did you stop? I mean you seemed pretty content fucking him as if you were a dog in heat" Felix cackled. "I can't believe I was dating a dog, it's sad. I loved you quite a lot. I even wanted to marry you" Felix sighed before he looked up at Jeongin. "Honey why haven't you moved to dish him up a plate?" He asked again, watching as Jeongin moved to comply, dishing Seungmin up a plate before settling it down in front of the brunette.

"So Seungmin, be a dear and tell me how long you've been sleeping with him?" Felix asked him, watching as the brunette bit his lip anxiously. "The longer you're quiet, the longer I'll make you stay" Felix told him.

"Two months" Seungmin whispered.

"I didn't hear you" Felix told him.

"Two months" he stated louder, making eye contact with Jeongin as the youngest bit the inside of his cheek. "I didn't know he was dating at first" he admitted.

"Yet you still kept sleeping with him after? Odd how that works" Felix sighed. "Eat while I speak to my lovely boyfriend" he told him gently, gesturing to the food before turning his heavy gaze onto Jeongin.

"I'm sorry" he apologised, head hung low.

"Are you? I mean, it's been two months honey, a mistake can be a mistake but come on, are you that dumb?" He asked him. "Is there a reason in particular you cheated on me?" He asked after a moment of silence. "Was I too old for you? Too lazy or something? I mean I've been thinking over everything and anything I could to try and think what I could have possibly done that made you want to fuck another" he stated.

"It's not you" Jeongin promised him. "I just— I got bored and Seungmin was nice and he seemed to like me"

"And I don't like you?" Felix asked him.

"It's not like that! It's this Felix, you're too nice, even now when you found out you're still letting Seungmin eat and your speaking to me as if I didn't do anything that bad. You never get angry, you're only ever happy, god all I wanted was someone who was normal!" Jeongin shouted before covering his mouth. "Fuck I didn't mean that" he stumbled over his words.

"I think you did, it's sad you took so long to say it rather then just breaking up with me" Felix admitted. "I do get angry, I'm just not a dick Jeongin, I care about you even now when you let this person eat our food, you were seriously going to pretend he was just a work mate in front of me?" He asked him before standing up, letting out a tired sigh. "Since this is my home and my name is on all the papers, I want you out by tonight, I don't care where you go but I want you gone before I wake up" he told him before looking down at Seungmin. "You aren't as horrible as him, but the fact you knew makes me sick" he whispered.

"Felix you can't be serious, I love you! Seungmin means nothing to me" he told the blonde.

"He's sitting right there Jeongin, be nicer to the fucking kid rather then treating him like some whore. I'm tired, I'll be blocking your number and won't hesitate to call the police if you aren't out in the morning, goodnight" he bid before walking off.

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