chapter two

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A while later, it was time for dinner at the camp. Once again, the energy in the dining hall could only be described as chaotic at best. It was full of children running everywhere and Maeve yelling at them to stop running and kids playing.

Caterina and Luna were standing in different lines for the buffet, both not noticing each other. Amongst all the chaos, a little boy named Luke who had been accidentally sent to an all girls camp was trying to talk to his mother through the phone.

"Mom? Mom? Can you hear me? You sent me to the wrong camp, Mom!" He yelled into the phone.

As Caterina and Luna got to the front of the line and finally started choosing what they wanted to eat, they grabbed some bread from the same bowl at the same time but still hadn't noticed each other even though they were standing side to side. As if in cue, Maeve stepped right in between them.

"Excuse me, girls. I just really need a scoop of these wonderful strawberries. Do you want any, dear?" Maeve asked Luna.

"Oh, no, thank you. I can't, I'm allergic." Luna replied as she walked away to sit with her friends.

"Oh, that's too bad. What about you, honey? Want any strawberries?" Maeve asked Caterina.

"Oh, sorry. I wish I could but I'm allergic."

"Yes, allergic, you just told me that. How did you get over here?" Maeve looked confused as Caterina smiled politely at her. "Oh, well. First day of camp, you'll have to excuse the old girl. At least I'm not putting salt in the sugar shakes." Caterina took an opportunity and walked away widening her eyes in annoyance as Maeve went to grab some more food. "Well, I mean, you know... Sugar in the salt shakers." Maeve confusedly looked in the direction Caterina had just been in and looked around once she couldn't find her. "Now, where did she go?"

The next day, Luna was fighting another camper on a fencing match. Both wore white nylon jackets and helmets that covered their face. Luna swiftly swiped, knocking the other camper out and pinning them against a wall.

"Alright, touché!" Maeve Junior exclaimed.

The kids took off their helmets and Luna smugly smiled. The other camper turned out to be Luke, the boy who had been sent to the wrong camp. Luke chuckled and said, "Touché." Luna and Luke shook hands.

"Excellent!" Maeve Junior said. She took Luna's arm and raised it. "Our undefeated champion, Luna Bishop!" Maeve Junior's eyes glistened. "Or are there any challengers?"

Caterina, and her two friends, Lara and Jackie, were walking by and happened to hear the announcement.

"I'll take a whack at it." Caterina said, putting on a helmet.

"Come on, Luna!" Zola exclaimed as Sofia helped her friend to put on her helmet.

"Looks like we have a challenger!" Maeve Junior said as the two girls took their positions. "En garde. Fence!"

The two girls faced each other, both with helmets on, still not knowing how each other looked like. Caterina saluted and Luna saluted back. Maeve blew the whistle and the match began.
They took turns attacking each other. Luna tried to attack, being stopped by Caterina's wonderful defense. She took the opportunity and lunged at Luna. Both girls got carried away and went further than the field they were supposed to be fighting each other in. Caterina fake yawned as she leaned against a haystack, mocking Luna, who lunched. Caterina dodged it.

They stopped for a second and Luna charged at Caterina, who stepped to the side, making Luna run past Caterina. Luna turned around, finding Caterina taking the opportunity and attacking her. Luna stepped back, losing her balance and she fell backwards into a water trough.

"Sorry. Let me help you!" Caterina held out a hand.

"No, let me help you!" Luna said as she took Caterina's hand and pulled her down with her.

"What did you do that for?" Caterina angrily exclaimed.

"Me? You pushed me in!" Luna said as the girls behind them laughed.

"I did not!" Caterina fought back as they both got up with their backs facing each other.

"Okay, that was quite a show!" Maeve Junior said, clearly impressed. "Alright, I think we've got ourselves a new camp champ! From London, England, Miss Caterina DeLuca!" Maeve exclaimed. "Come on, girls. Shake hands." She insisted.

Luna sighed and rolled her eyes in annoyance as they both turned around. Luna's eyes widened and she gasped. Caterina's eyes also widened and her mouth opened in shock. Luna looked Caterina up and down, not believing how much they looked alike.

As they extended their hands to shake them, they both gasped at the contact, looking at each other's hands. They looked in each other eyes' again. The girls around them and Maeve Junior looked at the twins in shock, not believing their own eyes. Whispers of "They look alike" and "Look at them!" were heard as everyone stared at them.

Luna took her hand away and looked around. "Why's everyone staring?" She asked, pretending like they didn't look alike at all.

"Don't you see it?" Caterina asked.

"See what?" Luna nervously shrugged.

"The resemblance between us?"

"Resemblance? Between you and me?" Caterina nodded. "Let me see. Turn sideways." Caterina obliged. "Now the other way." Caterina sighed but did as Luna said. "Well, your eyes are much closer together than mine. Your ears... well, don't worry, you'll grow into them." Luna mocked as her friends laughed and Caterina's eyes widened, not expecting Luna to be so rude. "Your teeth are a little crooked. Oh, and that nose. Well, don't worry, dear. Those things can be fixed." Luna mocked.

Caterina insecurely touched her nose and took a step back.

"Want me to deck her for you?" Lara, Caterina's friend, asked, getting into a fight position.

"Hold on, I'm not quite finished yet. You want to know the real difference between us?" Luna asked.

"Let me see. I know how to fence and you don't? Or I have class and you don't? Take your pick." Caterina mocked.

"Why, I oughtta.." Luna took a menacing step in Caterina's direction, ready to fight.

Maeve Junior intervened. "Ladies, it's time to break up this little love fest. Caterina, Luna. I mean, Luna, Caterina... I mean, whoa." Maeve Jr pointed at them, trying to tell the difference between the two while the twins stared angrily at each other.

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