more tickets? god damn it!!!

Start from the beginning

After arriving at the clinic y/n sat Jamie down and ran upstairs getting dressed in some black shorts and keeping the hoodie then dashes and almost trips down the stairs before arriving infornt on Jamie

Jamie: uhh...y/ alright?

Y/n: huh? Oh yea I'm great!!! *Eyes have a mischievous glint in them" just thinking of something fun I can do after the check up

Jamie upon hearing that smiled a little and layed down letting y/n do his thing, 10 minutes later y/n sat him up with a pout

Y/n: jamie!! Why did you fucking replace your arms with mantis blades?

Jamie: so I can protect myself if I don't have a gun? I ante gonna let them fucker kill me easily

Y/n smiled a little before sitting down and sighed*

Y/n: don't overdo your chome or I'll personally hunt your ass down and beat the shit out of you

Jamie upon hearing this he smiled a little before speaking

Jeamie: aww does the little fox care bout me?

Y/n deciding to mess around a bit grined before getting up and waking to Jamie slowly then pushing him into a chair and stradling him

Y/n whispering into his ear: no, your my most loyal customer, it would be a shame to put you down *grins as he leans back up and slightly grinds his ass against his leg as he stands up it to see that Jamie is blushing*

Y/n: also I may look like a cute fox *takes out blue fang* but I won't hesitate to slit your throat Jamie, thanks for the compliment though!~ *sits down next to him with his head lulled back and falls asleep almost immediately*

Jamie who just got played again by y/n was blushing hard and was trying to figure out why y/n was doing this to him

Y/n after 30 minutes y/n got woken up by Sara who was yelling at y/n about a door?

Sara: y/n explained why several doors appeared whyle I was working?!

Y/n: eh?.. oh those...don't go in em

Sara: why?..

Y/n responded after stretching: your cyberware, tech, and the fact you can die *looks at Jamie* oh right your clear though I'm a bit mad you went to another ripper doc to make sure I didn't do harm...I thought you trusted me *starts heading to the stairs* anyway imma take a shower, Sara your in charge tomorrow. I might show you how to access the doors just Incase you need me after my shower

As y/n headed upstairs Sara smiled and Jamie left saying something about confusing fox on the way out. 30 minutes later Sara sees a desheveld y/n brushing the everliving fuck out of his tails which caused her to start laughing

Y/n stopped brushing his tails and looked at Sara, huffed, then continued to brush his tails and eventually got done, he handed her a touch key that alpha made whyle y/n the showers and said

Y/n: tap the card next to the door handle and wait a second, then feel free to open it..the first door don't go more then 30 feet from the big tree, feel free to use the house up there as there is food, water, and other utilitys...if a short angry fucker stops by with swords on his side, just say your a friend of y/ns and call him shortie for me. I still haven't set up the other doors so you're locked out of them for the time being (alpha programmed a "key" for the doors to allow Sara into the other worlds that y/n visits)

Sara upon hearing trees immediately went to the door and ran in fortunately the ring the titan set up was still there from what he could see it even expanded another five feet

Y/n smiled knowing she should be safe and that Sara could take care of herself easily against the titans so he went to the front door and closed and locked up shop and made himself look more human by hiding his ears and tails with a slight huff of annoyance

From there he asked alpha do use three spins and got something he wasn't ready for...

Alpha: rolling you obtained Absolute Alchemy, Absolute magic and Null magic (null magic is basically a no to magic entirely, Absolute magic gives access to every from of magic and element, Alchemy is the same)

Y/n: upon seeing he has fucking magic and absolute on top of that grind like a maniac but snapped back to reality and oped the door only to be sucked into it and placed outside in a forest again and for both doors to disappear leaving y/n trapped in the rainbow six world for the time being

Alpha: quest added, survive by all means necessary

Y/n upon seeing this was a little confused and he is in a literal forest, not that it bothers him so he looked around a little bit before sitting down and looked at the clock...he has to survive for 2 hours in a harmless jungle, he sighs loudly only to hear a twig snap behind him and for everything to go dark

unfortunately y/n didn't see the guy in a white mask behind him (rwm or wm# = random white mask, or white mask #

Wm3: why the fuck is there a guy out here? *Drags him back to the house they are holding down* eh more hostages..

After a 10 min walk wm3 tied y/n to a chair next to another hostage as wm1 walked in

Wm1: eh? Whose that?

Wm3: dunno found him sitting in the forest 20 feet away from here

Wm1: really? Is he one of those rainbow dogs?

Wm3: no, I don't even think he knew where he was.. dude looked really confused when I saw him

Wm1: let's keep him as a hostage, those dogs are going to arrive soon

Unnoticed by both white masks y/n had already woken up and made a small blood blade and cut the rope from his wrist and was just pretending to be unconscious and waiting for them to leave which they did 3 minutes later

Y/n thinking: so not even 40 minutes in I'm already captured by terrorist...*sighs and startals the other hostage* (h= hostage)

H: w-who are you?..

Y/n: one lucky

H:m-my name is frank, w-why are you here? Did you try to he-

Y/n covered franks mouth and glared at him before mouthing shut up and pointed to the door

Frank realizeing what y/n ment started to panick a little before y/n sighed again and untied him

Y/n: Frank stand behind those renforced walls..and whatever you do...don't look

Frank terrified as hell listend and ran over only to look back and see something he has only seeing in anime... The guy he just talked to disappeared by snapping his fingers unaware y/n was currently massacring white masks using sound, blood, vectors, bone and his kagune and strength to just kill them and ended up throwing several through renforced walls eventually he started to use ice, void, lighting, air/wind, and gravity magic to kill them as he got a bit board he even used overhaul several times to modify the house piercing, crushing, and skewering the white masks on his way to the frontdoor

After he arrived he walked back calmly with his ears and tails out as he got a bit pissed and burnt a guy to ash with foxfire, he picked up frank who was terrified even more thanks to y/n walking past the absolute carnage he did to the white mask who were now dead several times over. As y/n was walking out he sat Frank down and reversed the tails and ears back so he looked human only to see a helicopter approaching and using his knowledge knew that it was team rainbow who were unaware of y/ns existence and helping freeing the hostage and dealing with the white masks

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