All In/Mall Brawl

Start from the beginning

For the next hour Daniel taught you different Kata and meditation techniques the downside Demetri's complaining about every little thing "How much longer are we doing this my arms are getting tired and I've had to pee since before we started" Demetri said bored which casues you to face palm and Daniel to sigh in annoyance. "(Y/N) let's call it here for the day I'm gonna talk to Demetri" "Sounds good thankyou Mr. Larusso" You say bowing to him.

Before leaving you went to say bye to Sam before taking off, you find  her inside the Miyagi do dojo practicing some kata so you lean against the door frame. "Standing there admiring me" Sam says finishing up her routine "In your dreams" you say chuckling "So how'd you like your taste of Miyagi-do training today?" Sam asks "It was very eye opening I never thought I still may have alot to learn" you say sincerely. "Everyone call the media did I just hear (Y/N) (L/N) be humble for probably the first time in his life" Sam says playfully. "One of my producers always said hungry people eat lunch and humble people serve it" you say  smirking. " This causes Sam to laugh "I bet he did, me and Robby were gonna grab a bite at the mall did you wanna come". "I don't know if that's wise Sam every time me and him are in the same place we wanna kill each other he'd get his ass kicked if you weren't there to break it up". "Come on I'll talk to Robby before we go and promise to make sure he plays civil, this could be a good bonding moment for you two" Sam says trying to convince you "Ok fine Sam I'll give it a chance but don't expect me to be civil if he won't be" you say semi sternly "Dont worry you have nothing to worry about" Sam says with a smile on her face .

Time skip the Mall....

You, Sam Robby and Demetri are at the mall food court having lunch and  surprising you and Robby haven't said one snarky thing to one another. Your coming back with your food tray to hear the three talking about Patrick Swayze "I'm more partial to his performance in Donnie Darko interesting movie the time travel logic made left alot to be desired" Demetri says sitting down. "Come on guys we all know Road House is his best film" you say sitting down with your food. " "My Dad always loved that film it was pretty awesome" Robby said chuckling. "Yeah especially when he ripped that guys throat out" "That scene was awesome" Robby says agreeing with you. Out the corner of your eye you can see Sam smiling seeing you and Robby seemingly getting along.

"Wait is today wesnday the new issue of Dungeon Lord is out do you guys want anything from the comic book store?" Demetri says getting up excitedly, "No I'm good" Robby says as Sam shakes her head no "You want anything Hollywood" he says turning to you "Yeah get me (your favorite comic) and buy yourself something nice" you say handing him a 50 dollar bill. "Wow thanks make sure nobody throws away my chicken" he says running off to the comic store. "That was surprisingly nice of you" Robby comments "Well I don't always think about myself" you say reminding him of his previous assumptions about you. Before Robby can respond two teenage girls come up to your table. "Omg (Y/N) (L/N) can we have your autograph?" One of the girls ask. "Anything for an adoreing fan especially two so beautiful." You say with a charming smile as you sign the girls pictures of you." Which has Sam rolling her eyes while Robby watched awkwardly.

"Would you ladies like a picture" "Omg yes" They both say at the same time. "Robby buddy would you take the picture for these lovely ladies" you say to him with a shit eating grin on your face. "Sure" Robby responds with a look on his face that says don't push it. "You know what let's go over there the lighting is way better" you say as you place your arms around the girls while Sam and Robby folllow you guys.

"Thanks for the picture (Y/N)" The girls say excitedly, before you can respond you hear a commotion at the food court you see Hawk and  other kids you haven't seen before  harassing Demetri "We better do something" Sam says as her and Robby run to defend Demetri. "Shit I gotta defuse this" You say to yourself as you run behind them.

One of the kids grab Demetri and restrain him "Your dead meat" Hawk says menacingly but before he can do anything Sam runs in and kicks the kid away from Demetri before getting in her stance "You guys need to back off" Sam says to the group. "I don't wanna have to hit a girl" Hawk says stepping forward. "You wouldn't stand a chance" Robby says about to get in his face. "Guy's stop this doesn't need to end in a fight" You say getting in between Hawk and Robby. "(Y/N) just your just time you want a piece of this action." Hawk asks confident that you'd join him "I knew it you are in cahoots with Cobra Kai see I told you Sam." Robby says angrily.  "Robby just shut the hell up for a second". You say trying to calm him down.

"Hawk look around this isn't the time or the place" you say trying to convince him which appears to be working until one of the Cobras blind sides you with a punch to your face. "Fight Fight Fight" people in the mall start to chant at this point its on and everyone is fighting.

Sam and Robby contend with the other Cobras using a sort of technique that had them moving around in a circle like a well oiled machine meanwhile you were dealing with two nuisances of your own one of them throws three strikes at you but you easily defend against the attack before throwing a roundhouse kick which sends the cobra back crashing into a table. This casues the bystanders to cheer, You decide to go on the offensive against the other cobra throwing a barrage of strikes at him, you catch him with a short jab to the bridge of his nose  which stuns him, while he's stunned you break into a split and punch the cobra square in the nuts which doubles him over screaming. "OMG (Y/N) just used his signature move from Stirkeforce." A bystander watching the fight says.

After finishing  your fight you see Robby catch Hawk in the face with a kick which knocks him unconscious, this causes the people in the mall to go wild looking around you see people recording "Sebastián and the network are gonna kill me" you thought to yourself.

15 minutes later....

You, Sam Robby and Demetri are walking back to your cars in the parking lot still riding high off the adrenaline of your little scuffle "How the hell did Cobra kai know we were at the mall" Sam asks curiously "I have a good idea how" Robby said  in a accusing manner "Are you kidding me" You think I'm with Cobra Kai  after I was sucker punched in the face by that asshole." You say shouting "Then what was up with Hawk asking you if you wanted to join them" Demetri said siding with Robby in his accusation against you.

"Litsen if you two are gonna act all hysterical and keep accusing me I'll slap you both like I'm Connery" You say pointing to both of them "ENOUGH you three" Sam says trying to play peace keeper between you guys "(Y/N) is obviously not with Cobra Kai he helped us back there when he obviously had the chance to side with them. "He may not be with Cobra Kai but he better stop pretending like he cares about anyone but himself." Robby says stepping forward but Sam holds him back." "Dont talk to me about caring, last time I checked your mom rather drink then be a mother to you and your own Dad abandoned you." You say stepping forward to his face, this casues him to lunge at you but Sam and Demetri hold him back while he shouts obsentices at you.

"(Y/N) get out of here now" Sam shouts while she and Demetri hold Robby back from fighting you,"Fine I have bigger things to worry about anyway."
You say getting into your car and driving off.

A/n: What a chapter, and before anyone asks no this does not make you apart of Miyagi-do look out for the next chapter soon..

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