Volume 1 - XI

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<< chapter 11 >>

~ Restless ~

~ Restless ~

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"Oh! So this is the case."

Ishan said, putting his right leg over left, resting the ankle of former on the knee of latter, resting his back against the expensive plush chair.

"Don't take it lightly, Ishan. Whatever it is, it's true." Sunil spoke in a warning tone.

Ishan's parents were behaving very weird and they also started keeping tabs on him. Being the smartass and genius guy he is, Ishan figured out something was fishy and put Sunil to investigation.

Ishan was one such man who would believe in aliens rather than horoscopes. He believed in only one thing, hardwork and destiny, not in luck and fortune. But all the others, including his parents, never went against it.

And what was the big deal after all? Many people lose their close ones. Some go missing, some are killed, some suicide and some give their lives for their country. It's a part of life. Actually, if there's life, there's death. Sooner or later is just a matter of time.

He looked at Sunil, staring at him, waiting for a reaction. He would have to wait for eternity.

"What?" Ishan asked curtly, earning another warning from him. More firm this time.

"Don't. Do. Anything. Stupid."

Ishan put his hand up in surrender and smiled. "Of course!"

Sunil stood up and rushed outside. He called Jaisingh after standing at a distance from Ishan's room.

"Jai uncle. Do the yagna. And increase the security for Ishan."

"You didn't warn him?" Jaisingh asked surprisingly.

"He is your son. You should know better. What would happen even if I warned him?"

Sunil heard a sigh from the other end of the phone call.

"He won't listen to anyone. Fine, let's do as you say."

"Make it quick."

Sunil was about to cut the call but heard an interesting question from the other end.

"Why is Ishan so stubborn at times?"

"Looks like Jyotsana Arora genes overpowered yours!" Sunil said with a teasing tone.

Rao - Rani (Book 1) [Under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now