ミ★ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 5 ★彡

Start from the beginning

"WAIT, I-" he was cut off by Todoroki's ice. "You can be scary sometimes..." You giggled and dusted off your hands. You were gonna say something, but you were cut off by a bunch of villains jumping out of their hiding places. You knew where most of them were hiding, you just needed them all to come out all at once. "I see you all stopped being a bunch of pussies and finally came out of your hiding places!" 

They gritted their teeth as you belittled them." Before they could make their first move, you lifted them all in the air with your quirk. They were caught off guard by your sudden attack, and Todoroki froze your water, trapping them all in place. The air got chilly; you were able to see your breath! "'Scatter and kill you?' huh? Tch, hate to tell you this but you look like guys with quirks they didn't know what to do with." Todoroki spoke. "Th-These kids! The moment we came out..." you two began to walk down the hill. "Are they really just kids?" 

"Sure are! You all just got taken down in seconds by two kids! Kinda pathetic don't you think?" you stuck your tongue out at one of the villains. "Where is he? Killing All Might... At first glance, I thought they had gathered all their elite and would overpower him by numbers..." You were listening to the dual-haired boy when two more villains came out to attack. You quickly stopped them with a powerful wave. Todoroki froze them to prevent them from moving. "From what I saw, there were only four or five truly dangerous villains." He looked at one of the villains he just froze. "Hey, at this rate, your cells will slowly die." 

"I want to become a hero. I would like to avoid something so cruel if possible..." He began to scare the villain even more with his quirk. "On what basis do you think you can kill All might? What's your plan?" The villain was holding back tears. You decided to push him some more into talking. You formed your water into sharp spikes. "This might just be water, but I promise you, I could really hurt you. I suggest you start talking." 

"Fine! I'll talk! Just please spare me! You guys saw that thing with its brains out? Yeah, that's what they're gonna use to kill him! It's crazy strong, All Might wouldn't be able to stop it!" You and Todoroki's eyes widen at the confession. You two look at each other and started making your way to the central plaza. "Hey! W-Wait! Free me, please! Spare me!" You guys ignored him and continued running. He'd be fine.


After some time of running, you and Todoroki were finally getting close. There sounded like a lot of commotion was going on. "Get ready Todoroki." He nodded and you two started running faster. 

Once you both made it, you saw Bakugo holding down the Warp Villain and that... thing trapping All Might, keeping him from moving. Todoroki quickly froze half its body. "All I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might." All Might was able to escape from the grasp of that thing. He's bleeding... you thought.

"Kids these days are amazing. Nomu." The man with hands all over him spoke, and the so-called Nomu started getting up from the warp gate. His body was breaking due to Todoroki's ice... but he was still moving. "Get back everyone!" Slowly, Nomu started regenerating his limbs. "What?! His quirk wasn't shock absorption?!" The man with hands laughed. 

"I didn't say that was all he had." Your eyes widened. He has two quirks? Or maybe even more? Who the hell is this guy?!  you thought. "This is his super-regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you at 100%. He's a super-efficient human sandbag." You all get into a fighting stance. "First we need to get our gate back. Nomu." in the blink of an eye, Nomu was already making his way to the Warp villain that was being held down by Bakugo.

He's going too fast, Bakugo's gonna be hit. But if he let's go, they get back their warp guy and they'd have the upper hand! I need to do something. Just move, Y/n, move!  Before you had time to react, Nomu already made it to Bakugo and the warp villain. There was smoke in the air, none of you could see what happened. But once it cleared, Bakugo wasn't there. "Where did he... Bakugo, you dodged it!" Everyone looked to their side and saw him sitting on the ground. "No, shut up, Deku!" Okay, now you're confused. "No? Then how..." You all look ahead and saw a battered up All might. "All Might!"

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