I don't think you can legally punt someone into a lake, Tubbo.

Start from the beginning

•Tommy Pov•

Tommy did not like tall bitches.

Tommy would not tolerate tall bitches.

So why in the name of FUCK was tubbo forcing him to meet up with one!?

They were fugitives for fucks sake! On the run from the law, dirty crime boys, having government official people chasing them?

He still remembered that tall bitch, Ranboob. The guy was illegally tall, and had Christmas eyes. Who the fuck had Christmas eyes. Ranboob also looked like an oreo when tubbo took the top cookie off and threw it away, and ate the singular cookie with the cream on it.

A heathenish way to eat an oreo.

It was even heathen-r that a tall boob bitch looked like an oreo.

Atleast tall bitch had comic books. They'd mentioned it when Tommy asked if they read anything.

And tall bitch had Naruto comic books.

Naruto was a character he could relate to. Ever since the guy had pulled the sexy jutsu on the hokage dude, he had been hooked.

And foxes. Foxes were cute. Kitsunes were cool.

Haku's death had destroyed him though.


Him and Tubbo were swinging at the park, making a little competition out of who could swing the highest.

Tubbo won.

"See big man, I don't think you're big enough to go on the swings just yet." Tubbo calmly told Tommy.

But Tommy.
Being called a child. In that weird hinting way of Tubbos.

So he pushed Tubbo off the swing. That's understandable, right?

Not to Tubbo.

So that was why he was now running from an angy goat boy, who was chasing him like he had kidnapped Benson and thrown the duck off a cliff.

"Big T-" he started. Tubbo growled, like honest to god growled, like a feral animal or some shit-


Tommy twirled around, and saw none other than tall bitch.

"Tall bitch!" He shouted, and pushed Tubbo away, and the goat boy tumbled onto the grass, haha L. "Tall Bitch, save me from the angry goat boy!" He grabbed tall bitches shirt collar, and shook them slightly.

Tall bitch shrugged. THE AUDACITY -

"Hah- uhm... N-Noooo?"

And Tommy gasped! Betrayal! Befuddlment! Traitor!


"Sorry?" Ranboob offered unhelpfully.

But alas, Tuberculosis Underscore had grabbed him and was now running at top speed towards the lake.


If he went down he went down with tall bitch!

He grabbed Ranboobs hand, who yelped as he was dragged after Tubbo.

Tubbo was nearing the lake, absolutely about to yeet Tommy into said lake.

If he had looked behind him, he would have seen how tall bitches pupils dilated in fear.

He would have seen how they wrenched their hand out of his grasp as soon as they neared the water.

Speaking of water, he was now under it.

Sputtering for breath, he surfaced. He saw Tubbo giving him the middle finger, and he hissed and flipped him off.

He was wet now. And cold.

He trudged onto the shore, and looked at tall bitch.

Tall bitch was hissing as they looked at a small, water droplet shaped burn on their hand.

"Fuck, Ranboo you alright?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah good, water burns me- wait, you actually called me Ranboo?" Ranboo looked at him. Tommy huffed.

"That's your name innit? Also wait WAIT, WATER BURNS YOU?!!?" Tommy shierked.

Ranboob shrugged. "Well I can go in water, but I start disintegrating."


"Boob man, how in the fuck do you start disintegrating in water?" Tommy asked. Ranboo shrugged, clearly not seeing anything wrong with what he just said. Tommy shook his head.

He looked at Tubbo who looked guilty? As he should, he had punted Tommy into the lake and burnt Ranboo.

"I'm sorry Ranboo, I didn't know." Tubbo murmured. Ranboo smiled slightly, and their two tails swayed from side to side slightly. "It's fine Tubbo, it's fine. Barely more than a scratch."

"Alright big men, let's go get ice cream." He announced, and starting running towards the stand he had seen earlier.

"Whh-" Ranboo started. Tubbo hissed, and starting chasing Tommy.

"You're paying Tommy!" Tubbo yelled.

"FINE!" He yelled back.

Ranboo sighed, and followed them.

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