seven | the cost to be a hero

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A HORN BLARED, SIGNALLING TO the two that they were too late. Though, for them, they did not let that stop them as Mimic flew to the departing ship while invisible. Spider-Man, however, had grown wings as he glided through the air, catching onto the side of the ship.

"So," said Mimic, hovering close to him. "What's the plan?"

"We stop the bad guys," Spider-Man insisted.

"I know that," Mimic snapped, rolling her eyes.

His ticky fingers helped him climb up the side of the ship, coming to a stop at the window as he looked onto the passenger floor of the ship. Mimic stuck close to him, staying invisible as she looked through the window too.

"Okay, Karen," Spider-Man spoke quietly. "Activate enhanced reconnaissance mode."

"Sure thing," Karen replied.

Mimic's eyes narrowed, her own mask adjusting to her adapting eyes as she searched every face. To aid herself, Mimic's hearing improved, picking up conversations within the ship.

"He's up on the main deck," said a man, who Mimic recognised, but she couldn't figure out who the guy behind him was.

"It's the guy from the bridge, right?" Spider-Man questioned in a whisper.

"Yeah," Mimic answered, keeping her tone low. "But who's the other guy?"

"Just keep me posted," the man spoke again.

"There's no record of him in my criminal database," Karen told them. "Incoming call from May Parker. Should I reroute to your heads-up display?"

"I can't talk right now," said Spider-Man quickly. "I'll call her back."

From his suit, a small spider-bug appeared. "Hey, dronie, keep an eye on that guy," instructed Spider-Man. "We can't let anybody get away this time."

While Spider-Man climbed silently up the side of the orange ferry, Mimic had stuck to flying while invisible. They both landed on the roof of the ship, eyes falling on the strange men that they had not seen before.

"Who's the guy on the left?" Spider-Man questioned.

"Mac Gargan," Karen informed the two. "Extensive criminal record, including homicide. Would you like me to activate instant kill?"

"No, Karen, stop it with the instant kill already," said Spider-Man instantly, voice strained with hysteria at the thought of it.

"White pickup truck," one man said beneath them as Mimic concentrated.

A man disappeared, heading into the parking area of the ship.

"Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck," Spider-Man ordered, where Mimic was impatient, seeing through the ship herself to search for the one truck they needed. "Oh, this is perfect. I got the weapons, buyers, and sellers in one place."

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