three | best friends forever

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BY THE TIME DAVINA HAD ARRIVED at school, she was certain she might explode from the anxiety of being around Peter Parker for so long. Neither Davina nor Peter knew what to say, where it had been Ned who had kept a one-sided conversation going.

However, MJ had not made things easier as she laughed upon seeing the three walking into school together. Davina had scowled, grabbing MJ's hand to pull her away from the two teenage boys before MJ could even open her mouth.

"Is that where you disappeared last night?" MJ asked.

Davina let go of MJ, sighing. "No, MJ. I was at home—"

"I stopped by at your apartment," said MJ, frowning at Davina. "I found this cool book at a charity shop. I was gonna show you, but your mom said you weren't in. And now you've lied. Where were you?"

"MJ..." Davina's head turned, meeting her friend's stony expression; behind the mask, MJ was hurt as Davina continued to lie and leave her best friend out. "I was just out."

"Right," MJ didn't sound convinced. "Davina, I've always known you've had secrets. I just don't like being lied to."

Davina stopped walking, fingers wrapping around MJ's wrist. "If I tell you the truth, then I'll have to move away," said Davina. "I'm not keeping things from you to hurt you."

"Then what's changed?" MJ questioned. "I don't need friends, Davina. I'm happy being by myself, but we used to always hang out together."

"I like being alone too," Davina admitted. "Maybe I've gotten a little wrapped up in that, and I'm sorry, but you're still my best friend. Can you tell me what book you found? Maybe we could read it together."

MJ smiled at that, reaching into her bag as she pulled out a rather thick book. The cover was black with Davina seeing the title: 'Of Human Bondage'. "It's about an orphan boy who is sent to live with his aunt and uncle," MJ explained before pulling out a second tattered version. "I'm actually already halfway through, so you'll have to catch up."

Davina smiled at that. "Good job we have gym today."

Despite the two hating the class, it always ended up being their favourite class of the day as they usually spent it reading. For it, the two sat together as Davina started reading the book, trying to catch up with MJ. When reading, Davina had a habit of tuning out everything around herself, from Peter to the Captain America videos.

With the tutorial video finished, the two best friends end up on the exercise mats, refusing to take part. MJ was the one on the ground, reading as Davina sat by her feet, already a quarter through the book.

"Do you like it so far?" MJ asked.

"It's a little depressing," commented Davina, not looking up. "I like it."

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