Chapter 25

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"Pete what are we gonna do if we can't find this thing? We can't let any more people die. What if Venom has someone else under his influence? I mean could it be Harry again?" Miles asked as both he and Peter were swinging through the city, following clues left behind by the creature thanks to the lenses on their masks.

"Don't think like that Miles, we will contain it and not let anyone else get hurt, we got this. You have just to keep your head because if you lose it then you yourself can get hurt and I could never forgive myself for that if you did." Said Peter as they both came to a stop on a roof, they leaned down to inspect a piece of paper stuck to the ground with the same sticky red substance they had been following.

"I see you have been following my tracks, good... be sure to be on your guard, I may just be behind you" Peter watched as the words started to drip from the page, it was written in blood.

"Dammit he is messing with us but he knows we are tracking him now, we need to keep going, he has to slip up eventually right?" Peter asked with uncertainty in his voice, Miles only shook his head before both sprung from the roof again and continued their search.

Daily Bugle

MJ sat at her desk furiously typing away on her laptop on that day's breaking story. Pete had called her and told her all about the body being found so she needed to alert the public to the danger that they may face. She looked up from her screen when she heard a soft knock at the door. She smiled slightly when she saw Gwen Stacy.

"Gwen what can I do for you?" MJ asked

"I just wanted to bring you some food, you looked hungry so I ran across the street and got you some Chinese. How is the story coming along?". Gwen asked with interest as she placed the Chinese on the desk next to MJ.

"It's going... I am really worried about this one Gwen, the thing that seems to be doing this is unpredictable, It could hurt anyone."

"Yeah my Dad is worried too, he believes the Spider-Men can help but he worries for their safety as well as the whole city's safety."

"How do you do it, Gwen? I hate this constant worrying, I hope the Spider-Men and your dad stay safe." MJ said as Gwen placed her hand on hers.

"I am good at hiding it but deep down the worry never left, it's the life my father chose, and it's a life he is good at. I still worry though, I worry that one day an officer will knock at the door with some bad news... I never hope that day comes MJ"

"Hey come here" MJ stood up and wrapped Gwen in a hug, trying to comfort her friend.

"Why don't I finish up this piece and then we can eat this Chinese together hm?" MJ asked Gwen with a soft smile

Gwen blushed slightly but nodded her head. "I would like that, thanks MJ."

Meanwhile with Peter and Miles.

"All units please advise, there seems to be a breakout attempt going on at the Raft, Get some choppers in the air now!" Came the yell of Captain Stacy over the radio. Peter and Miles turned on the breaking news headline on their mask as the reporter started to talk. It was chopper footage, showing a red creature standing on top of the Raft, a lifeless guard in his claws.

"Do you see me now Spider-Men? Why don't you come and play, tonight is going to be a great night. Would you like to know why New York? Well, I will tell you.."

The creature's symbiote retracted, revealing the face of one Cletus Kassidy. He smiled at the camera, loving the attention as he held the lifeless guard up high in the air. The man was already dead but Cletus didn't care, he wanted to make a show of it.

"New York tonight in your final night, I will unleash the most powerful people in this prison, I want nothing more than to see every single one of you die. Spider-Man you and my friend here have some unfinished business, I hate unfinished business, so why don't you bring your little boy scout and fight me, let's end this tonight! Cletus threw the guard to the water below as the newscaster held her mouth in shock.

"Oh, and New York, welcome to MAXIMUM CARNAGE!"

to be continued in Marvel's Spider-Man 4...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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